July 2023

By Jim Moir
Chair, Board of Directors
Marine Resources COUNCIL is YOU
A council is a group of people working together toward a common purpose.

  • Marine Resources Council is a group of hundreds of annual members, who make our mission attainable by contributing financial support.
  • It’s also a group of thousands of people with whom we communicate regularly via email, social media, and outreach.
  • And, it’s you! Please provide your financial support and be engaged; it makes all the difference.

In 2024, MRC will host its 21st Indian River Lagoon Assembly, a gathering of 100 regional stakeholder delegates, selected to seek and share the collective wisdom of our community, as it regards our common purpose.

Past MRC hosted assemblies have helped to stir much of the progress that we see today as it regards protecting, restoring, uniting, and promoting the Indian River Lagoon coastal community of east central Florida. As we have been reporting to you recently; progress in our region in this regard is historic.

Yet, much more will need to happen to bring our region back into balance.

Soon, MRC will reach out to the east central Florida community to begin the delegate selection process for next year’s 21st Indian River Lagoon Assembly. About 100 regional stakeholder groups will be engaged, and then in turn reach out to their respective networks. Together through this process we will assess the next action steps that will need to be taken to continue to restore balance to our region.

We hope that you will take an interest and be engaged in that process.

MRC, together with delegates who attended its first January Indian River Lagoon Seagrass Assembly, is entering the peer review process, and soon will share a final report of outcomes. Seagrass is the foundation of our regional eco-system, and its recovery is at the center of progress.

MRC Major Events are coming this fall

Register via LoveTheIRL.org and watch for communication coming your way regarding:
  • Sat., Sept. 16 MRC International Coastal Cleanup Day along the Indian River Lagoon, featuring the Kids for Conservation 10,000.
  • Thur.-Fri., Oct. 19-20, MRC Low Impact Development (LID) Conference, at The Center for Collaboration, Rockledge; a third in a series, focused on how to build sensible developments and communities.
  • Fri., Nov. 3, Love Our Lagoon Celebration, at the Hilton Melbourne Beach Oceanfront; this is the annual Council gathering when we celebrate our members; award leaders in conservation, and induct new hall of fame honorees to the Legends of the Indian River Lagoon.

We hope that you will help make these three MRC Major Events a major success.
MRC Strategic Planning and Executive Director Search Underway
Progress is being made in our strategic search for our fourth executive director, and our future planning. A national executive search is underway; we will keep you posted as the search, and candidate selection process unfolds.

We will continue to collaborate with the east central Florida region as we move ahead in our third decade as a council, and work together to protect, restore, unite, and promote our beloved lagoon.
Special thanks to our Kids for Conservation Premier and Presenting Donors!
MRC is located at Ted Moorhead Lagoon House

Call 321.725.7775 if you care to visit or arrange a tour
Events Calendar
July 7 - First Friday Litter Patrol
July 8 - Mangrove Workshop at MRC's St. Sebastian River Greenway Nursery
July 11 - Lunch & Learn - Understanding What's Ailing the IRL
July 12 - MRC's Progress Report Presentation at Cocoa Beach Country Club
July 14 - Turning Science Into Action - A Presentation by MRC at Catheine Schweinsberg
Rood Library
July 14 - Jupiter Island Workshop
July 18 - Jupiter Island Workshop
July 22 - Concrete Creations Workshop
Marine Resources Council
3275 Dixie Hwy NE, Palm Bay, FL 3905 | (321) 725-7775 | www.SaveTheIRL.org