November 2023

By Jim Moir
Chair, Board of Directors
Progress Depends on Passing the
Florida Stormwater Rule
Your Council is People Working Together:

We need to work together to make sure that our Florida legislators pass the new Stormwater Rule in its session that starts in January. Progress in implementing common-sense Low Impact Development (LID) depends upon its passage, as the current rule is outdated and inadequate. While it could be better, the new rule is a needed improvement and is ready to be voted upon. Also, enforcing stormwater discharges or National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) infractions are in limbo without it. If the legislature fails to act according to the Florida Clean Waterways Act, newly approved development will continue to be grandfathered based on the antiquated and harmful rule.
  • Now is the time to act!
  • You may contact your Senator and House representatives; once you find your representatives, choose full detail, followed by contact: you can do that here.
  • Send a simple message: Your name, where you live, along with this message: Please pass the new Florida Stormwater Rule during the 2024 legislative session.
  • Marine Resources Council has set its overall priorities, which are attached.
  • Also attached is an example of regional priorities set for Brevard County by Brevard Indian River Lagoon Coalition. Priorities have been set for each of the five counties along the lagoon.
  • Also attached are speaking points that will help you when you advocate for the lagoon.
Marine Resources Council supports the new Stormwater Rule, which has been presented to the Florida House and Senate by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, called for in the Clean Waterways Act passed unanimously by the legislature in 2020. It simply needs to be adopted, per the law.  If it is not, groundwater pollution will grow rapidly with unchecked new development.
  • Stormwater becomes polluted as it drains toward our waterways.
  • Adapting Low Impact Development and green infrastructure slows the flow of stormwater.
  • This will allow stormwater to drain into the soil as it falls, recharging our groundwater, rather than running into our streets and waterways, causing flooding and gathering pollution as it goes.
Care to know more? Florida Stormwater Association provides information here. Marine Resources Council supports Low Impact Development and Green Stormwater Infrastructure. Learn more by reviewing information at
Florida Right to Clean Water
The Florida Right to Clean Water Amendment "creates a fundamental right to clean and healthy waters, clarifies prohibited actions and inactions that harm (or threaten to harm) waters, and defines important terms. It also allows Floridians to enforce this right through the ability to sue state executive agencies that violate this right, empowering courts to look at the science and truth (and not politics) of what’s going on before awarding equitable relief to the situation". Learn more about this amendment and view it's petition here.
Special thanks to our Major Donors
MRC is located at Ted Moorhead Lagoon House

Call 321.725.7775 if you care to visit or arrange a tour
Events Calendar
November 3 - First Friday Litter Patrol
November 7 - Lagoon at Noon: Uncovering the Gopher Tortoise
November 11 - Veteran's Day
November 23 - Thanksgiving Day
November 30 - Turning Science Into Action - An MRC Presentation at Port St. John Public Library
Marine Resources Council
3275 Dixie Hwy NE, Palm Bay, FL 3905 | (321) 725-7775 |