October 2023

By Jim Moir
Chair, Board of Directors
Looking Into Fall at MRC
In this Progress Report:
  • Indian River Lagoon Priorities
  • Oct 19-20 Low Impact Development Conference
  • MRC Chooses New Lew Leader

Indian River Lagoon Priorities:  Marine Resources Council (MRC) is sharing its Indian River Lagoon (IRL) priorities list with community leaders, and you will receive the list next week via email. The one-page list is a useful orientation for those wishing to understand the vision, purpose, progress, and priorities that lie ahead in restoring balance to the lagoon and east central Florida. Thus far the list has been shared with the Florida House and Senate; county and city managers, key staff and elected leaders in Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, Brevard and Volusia Counties, and a growing group of sister non-profit organizations. It will be emailed next week to all MRC contacts, along with an example of regional priorities in Brevard County and region-wide messaging points.

Oct 19-20 Low Impact Development Conference:  Register today at LoveTheIRL.org and join forward-looking community development leaders from across east central Florida as they learn about how managing stormwater where if falls can reduce flooding, lagoon pollution, and beautify east central Florida communities. This is the third Low Impact Development (LID) Conference hosted by MRC and again will be held at the Center for Collaboration, midway along the lagoon in Rockledge, Florida. MRC is calling on east central Florida counties and cities to update comprehensive plans, codes, zoning and ordinances, in order to implement LID.

MRC Chooses New Leader:  Nearly 200 candidates applied to lead MRC through its fourth decade of protecting, restoring, uniting, and promoting the IRL coastal community of east central Florida. An offer has been extended to the top candidate and details are being finalized as MRC continues to chart a SEA Change: Science + Education + Advocacy. Since 1990, MRC also hosted 20 IRL Action Assemblies, and the next is being planned for 2024. The assemblies bring together about 100 delegates representing the major stakeholders of east central Florida to consider and reach consensus on the action steps required to restore balance to the region. The new leader of MRC will be driving the assembly process, as well engaging in long-term strategic planning with the MRC crew and board of directors. We hope to introduce you to the new MRC leader shortly.
Special thanks to our Major Donors
MRC is located at Ted Moorhead Lagoon House

Call 321.725.7775 if you care to visit or arrange a tour
Events Calendar
October 9 - Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 14 - Mangrove Workshop at MRC's St. Sebastian River Greenway Nursery
October 19-20 - Low Impact Development Conference
Marine Resources Council
3275 Dixie Hwy NE, Palm Bay, FL 3905 | (321) 725-7775 | www.SaveTheIRL.org