Hi guys,
Merry Christmas!
A busy week this week as always with a bit of experimenting, live blood photography and a couple of chats with Mat Taylor which are now on the website.
Monday I was in the lab and culturing samples of nutritional supplements that had been found to be magnetic. I was assisted in this endeavour by Marina who collected and did the initial processing and an experienced scientist. Thank you both! Hopefully we will have some initial results before long.
I wrote a short article on the first sample we look at:
With regard to the screening solution for blood abnormalities. My clip on microscope arrived today:
I managed to take a reasonable photo of a ribbon structure in my blood and with a bit of tinkering I expect to be able to develop an effective screening and monitoring tool
I did a day of blood photography on the Gold Coast this week and am happy to provide a mobile service or see people at home if anybody wants images of their blood for whatever reason please let me know. A friend Nadine has helped me with some photos for the website here is an example on my website:
As expected AHPRA emailed me last Friday to inform me that I am unable to deregister myself whilst I am suspended and reminding me of my status as one of the undesirables. I will probably post this letter to my website at some stage ...
-the did not take me up on my offer to present to the AHPRA Board.
Hope you all have a great Christmas.
Best wishes
PS the images at the top are a structure that I came across during a discussion with Mat and Shimon and the image on the right is after we left it in a strong magnetic field.
The image at the bottom is of a synthetic structure present in a blood sample from a vaccinated person taken this week.