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Dear Neighbor, 

We are back with another issue of the Buda Bonds Project Dispatch, focused on providing you with the latest project information and timeline updates. It was great seeing some of you at National Night Out last month, thank you for coming out! Since our last issue, our team has been working hard behind the scenes, and we're excited to share some project milestones.

City awards several contracts to move Bond projects forward

On November 1, BBOC Vice Chair Sarah Miller led the update to City Council on the near-term objectives, current accomplishments, and project status. As of this week, City Council has approved a total of 7 contracts for Buda Bonds projects:


Design of Middle Creek Drive/Talley Loop Rehabilitation awarded to K.Friese & Associates, not to exceed $775,000.

RM 967 Acceleration/ Deceleration Lanes awarded to WSB, not to exceed $530,000.


Design of Garison Park Phase 1 – awarded to Ten Eyck Landscape Architects, not to exceed $1.445 million.

Design of Garlic Creek Trail Phase II – awarded to MWM Engineers, not to exceed $137,157.


Design of City Park Parking Lot Expansion – awarded to Doucet & Associates, not to exceed $63,193.

Buda City Council also approved a contract for subsurface utility engineering (SUE), awarded to Cobb Fendley & Associates, not to exceed $100,000; and a contract for geotechnical services for the design and relocation of underground utilities, awarded to Gessner Engineers, not to exceed $125,000. To learn more about each project, please visit

The life of a Buda Bonds project

While Buda citizens passed Prop A and Prop B in November 2021, the life of these projects is continually vetted through Buda staff and bond management team, the Buda Bond Oversight Committee, and ultimately the Buda City Council.

The process of “packaging” projects is intended to ensure efficiency and that citizens are getting the best buy for the money. Below are definitions to help you understand the terminology that may be used in this e-newsletter as projects progress.

Scoping & Procurement - The project design scope outlines the project goals, deliverables, cost for services, and important deadlines. The city then selects the most qualified firm(s) to complete the scope as specified. Consulting firms are evaluated and selected based on the abilities of the proposed team, their experience with similar projects, their approach to executing the project, and their previous experience with the City and/or within central Texas.

Preliminary Design - The preliminary design phase typically includes data gathering, the review and comparison of design options, review of potential environmental impacts, and stakeholder outreach. The information gathered during the preliminary design phase is used to make decisions that will be included in the final design phase.

Final Construction Plans - Final construction plans are developed based on the outcomes of the preliminary design phase. The design firm will develop final documents that can be used to solicit bids from construction firms, and obtain required permits.  

Bidding - Once the construction plans are approved, the city starts the bidding process for construction firms. All bids are evaluated, and the city signs a contract with the firm that provides the lowest qualified bid.

Construction - Once a firm is selected and approved, construction can begin. The city conducts the appropriate outreach to affected property or business owners and oversees the construction progress through completion.

National Night Out 2022

We had a great time seeing our neighbors at National Night Out last month. Our team had the opportunity to chat with you about upcoming projects and more. We look forward to seeing you again at the next community event. 

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Scan the QR code to visit our website to learn more details about each project. On social media, follow #BudaBonds2021. Help us spread the word with your family and neighbors. 

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