MSU EDA University Center for

Regional Economic Innovation

E-Update | August 2022

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Project MOON-Light: Leveraging High-Speed Technology to Forge a More Equitable Path for Learning and Innovation in Michigan

"Project MOON-Light will help address critical infrastructure gaps in Michigan by enabling technologically advanced, middle-mile fiber optic infrastructure across the state. It will help interconnect local Internet service providers (ISPs) to bring affordable, robust, high-speed broadband Internet to homes and businesses in Michigan’s underserved/unserved population areas. MOON-Light will be a major step towards eliminating discrepancies in broadband access across the entire state. The MOON-Light network will provide regional connectivity through an open-access network approach. It will boost innovation in Michigan’s economy and provide new opportunities to participate in education, jobs, health care, and government services. In line with MSU’s goals to build a better world and help all Michigan communities to thrive, the collaboration will allow forging a more equitable path forward." Register for the Innovate Michigan! Summit to hear Dr. Johannes M. Bauer, MSU, Quello Chair for Media and Information Policy and the Director of the Quello Center, speak on Project MOON-Light. 

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2022 Summit Presenter: Joseph Sawasky, CEO of Merit Network

Regist​er for the Innovate Michigan! Summit to hear President and CEO of Merit Network, Inc., Joseph Sawasky, speak on MERIT's role in the MOON-Light project, in partnership with MSU and the Quello Center. MERIT is a non-profit corporation governed by Michigan’s public universities and was created as a shared resource to help meet their common need for advanced networking. Today, Merit provides high-performance networking, cyber security solutions and community-building services to nearly 400 higher education, K-12, library, governmental, community and healthcare organizations, among others. For more information about Merit, please visit
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