BOND Civil & Utility Construction and its subcontractors are continuing work on the Eversource 115 kilovolt (kV) Underground Transmission Line Project. This upgrade is one of a group of projects designed to improve the reliability of the electric system serving the area. The schedule calls for construction from Monday to Friday this week. Crews will NOT be working on Thursday (November 24) next week. Construction activities are not expected to interrupt electric service.
Eversource Field Outreach Representative Brianna Germain is hosting Office Hours, where people can learn more about the Project and ask questions. If you are interested in attending any of these sessions (schedule below), please reply to this message. Otherwise, feel free to respond to this email, or call the Project Hotline at 1-833-836-0302 with questions.
Thursday, November 17, 8 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Sudbury Police Department (Training Room), 75 Hudson Road, Sudbury
Thursday, December 8, 12 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Sudbury Police Department (Training Room), 75 Hudson Road, Sudbury
Work Hours
Approved work hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday but crews will be working from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Due to unforeseen conditions like weather, occasional activities may extend beyond these approved hours based on feedback from local officials.
Between White Pond Road and Main Street in the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) inactive rail corridor, BOND has begun clearing vegetation within the limits of work. Crews may also be active between Wilkins Street, Chestnut Street, and Parmenter Road, in the inactive rail corridor. These activities are expected to last for several weeks and the removal of rails and ties will start at the end of the month.
Off Forest Avenue, one crew will install the first vault (MH1) starting on November 22 on Hudson Light & Power (49 Forest Avenue) property. Duct bank excavation (600 feet) started this week, and some vegetation removal will also be happening in the area. Construction on Forest Avenue will NOT commence until Spring 2023.
In the inactive MBTA corridor, crews have established construction entrances at the road crossings and will continue installing sediment and erosion controls moving east toward the Sudbury Substation (163 Boston Post Road). Initial vegetation clearing is expected to happen in early December.
Off Boston Post Road, at the Eversource Sudbury Substation, G. Greene Construction, another Eversource contractor, is making upgrades to electrical equipment inside the Substation. G. Greene Construction is excavating foundations and moving earth to make room for new equipment. Construction activities for this portion of the Project are within the fence line of the Substation (Eversource property) and will be completed in 2023. G. Greene Construction will NOT be working at the Substation on November 24 and November 25.