Chamber Buzz weekly news & updates
August 17, 2021 | Issue #191
Putting Our Members First
Promote your Business!
Showcase your business to 10,000+ business professionals and online viewers by advertising in the Chamber's quarterly member magazine, The Bridge!

Promote your products or services to engaged members of our business community. Buy two (2) full or half-page ads before September 1, and receive a third ad-free!

Full Page - $700
Half Page Corporate Profile - $500
Half Page, Horizontal or Vertical - $460
Quarter Page - $230

*Rates adjusted upon purchase of multiple ads
Are you eager to ENGAGE more in our community?
Do you want to establish business and civic relationships, meet area leaders and fast-track your knowledge about the inner working of greater Sarasota – all with a minimum investment of time?

The program runs from September until May and includes an orientation and eight luncheons, hosted by key representatives at local venues. Each event provides an overview of an integral aspect of our community including economic development, the arts, media, government, medical facilities, and education. 
For sponsorship information, please contact Sara Rachon.
Congratulations Members!

Congratulations to Eating in Moderation's Ribbon Cutting
held on July 2!
Create realistic goals, come up with a plan, and get set up for life-long change with Eating in Moderation!
Massage Heights The Landings

Their Landings location celebrated new ownership last July 21, 2021.

Incorporate massage therapy and facial treatments into your daily routine with Massage Heights' customized Lifestyle Programs

The company had their grand opening of their new store in UTC on July 29!

Upcoming Events
Jumpstart your morning with Chamber business professionals at our new Good Morning Sarasota event held the third Thursday bi-monthly at various locations throughout Greater Sarasota. Enjoy a light breakfast, coffee/juice, and door prizes in a laid-back atmosphere perfect for meeting your next client.
Hosted by:
Leverage your lunch hour with the power of business referrals. Plus, pitch an “elevator speech” about your business. Second Wednesday of each month.
Hosted by: