December 14, 2023

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Enhancing the Capacity of School Nurses to Reduce Student Anxiety.

The Role of the School Nurse Post COVID-19.

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President's Message

As I look back upon the past year, I want to acknowledge all of you who have helped us promote the value of school nurses through voice and advocacy, worked to advance health equity for students and their families, and explored and implemented inclusivity within our profession.

During the holiday season, let us take a moment to appreciate the lessons we have learned and look forward to the opportunities that await us. Let us prioritize our well-being and focus on what really matters as we celebrate with our loved ones.

We will take a break from publishing the Weekly Digest to recharge our batteries and return with renewed energy. We look forward to returning to our regular publishing schedule on January 4, 2024.

I wish you all a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

Kate King, DNP, MS, RN, LSN

NASN President

Better Health. Better Learning.™ 

NASN News and Highlights

Access to Menstrual Products in Schools

Listen to the Journal of School Nursing (JOSN) December Podcast, where JOSN Editor Martha Dewey Bergren interviews author Lucine Francis to discuss the article "An Update on State Legislation Supporting Menstrual Hygiene Products in US Schools: A Legislative Review, Policy Report, and Recommendations for School Nurse Leadership." School nurses and researchers are well positioned to provide the evidence base needed to fuel advocacy and policy on menstrual products in school.

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Related Resources: NASN School Nurse Chat: Menstrual Equity

The School Nurse’s Role in Data De-identification

NASN has launched The National School Health Data Set: Every Student Counts the School Nurse's Role in Data De-identification program. It educates on the components of the National School Health Data Set: Every Student Counts, the role of school district privacy policies in the larger framework of student privacy regulations and how to find them, what constitutes de-identified data, types of, sources of, and how to locate state privacy laws that can affect the ability of the school nurse to share student health information.

Related Resources: School Health Data Sharing Across Sectors

These educational offerings are free to NASN members.

Not yet a NASN member?

Learn about free online professional development programs and other NASN membership benefits now.

Meet the 2024 NASN Election Candidates

In NASN's upcoming election, conducted online from March 15 to April 15, 2024, NASN members will select a vice president and a nominating committee member. Become familiar with the candidates.

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School Vision Screening Made Simple - Introducing the Titmus Kaleidos

We hear the same complaints from nurses about all hand-held vision screeners. Needing to turn off the lights, moving the unit back and forth, and fumbling with small devices. Now there is a solution…

Learn About The Titmus Kaleidos

School Nurses in the News

This section highlights news stories featuring NASN and school nurses. If you have a story about school nurses you'd like us to consider including, please send it to us.

Managing Chronic Health Conditions

Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools

The Youth Risk Behavior Survey findings show that adolescent mental health has been worsening for more than a decade and that key indicators of poor mental health have reached alarming levels. We need to listen to what our young people are telling us and take action to reverse these trends. CDC released a school mental health action guide that describes six in-school strategies that are proven to promote and support mental health and well-being. The guide also describes approaches to implementing each strategy and examples of evidence-based policies, programs, and practices.

Related Resources:

Lupus Care and a Lupus Transition Planning

The school nurse is in a position to recognize and refer children who may be exhibiting signs and symptoms of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), potentially expediting proper diagnosis. The NCPD program, Understanding SLE in Children and Young Adults, initially presented at Virtual NASN2022 and now in the NASN Learning Center, provides an overview of lupus in the pediatric population, including risk factors, disease etiology, and assessment and a Lupus Care Plan and a Lupus Transition Plan to help school nurses assist students in making a smooth transition from child-centered care to adult health care. This online professional development program is free for NASN members.

Related Resources: 

Improving School Community & Student Health

Music to Inspire Youth With Asthma to Take Charge of Their Health

School nurses can reinforce students’ asthma self-management skills as we approach winter break. The National Environmental Education Foundation and Hip Hop Public Health, creators of the free EMPOWER Roll Call, combining music, science, and culture, announced the release of the remaining seven tracks and animated videos. EMPOWER aims to inspire young people with asthma to proactively manage their health through evidence-based self-management skills. Each 60-second track and animated music video focuses on key components crucial to living with asthma.

Related Resources:

#ComeHomeCovered to Celebrate the Holidays

The COVID-19 Vaccine Education and Equity Project’s holiday-themed Come Home Covered campaign encourages all to stay healthy and protect their loved ones by getting vaccinated ahead of holiday gatherings and festivities, underscoring that recommended vaccines are available to adults and children free of cost, regardless of insurance type or status. You can help amplify this message by sharing it with your school communities and on social media.

Related Resources: Building Family Confidence in the COVID-19 Vaccine: Framing Strategies for School Nurses [Toolkit]

Outreach and Educational Resources for Medicaid and Chip Renewals

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently released several new resources to help you share information about Medicaid and CHIP renewals with your communities. Each resource is posted on their Outreach and Educational Resources Page.

Mark Your Calendar

HIMSS24: Global Conference & Exhibition

March 11-15, 2024

Connect, collaborate, and create with the brightest minds in health information and technology.

View registration instructions.

2024 NASN Election

Election Dates: March 15 - April 15, 2024 (conducted online)

Meet the candidates.

Save the Dates

In-Person: June 28-July 1, 2024

Virtual: July 8-10, 2024

Registration opens early next year!

State Associations of School Nurses' Conferences

  • Florida Association of School Nurses 28th Annual Conference - Reflect ♡ Refresh ♡ Refocus - February 2-3, 2024. Learn more and Register

  • California School Nurses Organization 74th Annual Conference - Stay the Course Through Advocacy and Support - February 8-11, 2024. Learn more and Register

  • Save the Date: New Jersey State School Nurses Association Spring 2024 Conference - SCHOOL NURSES Make the Impossible, POSSIBLE - March 15-16, 2024. Learn more.

  • Save the Date: Pennsylvania Association of School Nurses and Practitioners 2024 Annual Conference - March 22-24, 2024. Learn more.

NASN Calendar of Events

This calendar includes upcoming events hosted by NASN and NASN affiliate school nurse organizations. Access the calendar.


National Health Observances Calendar

This calendar lists special days, weeks, or months dedicated to raising awareness about important health topics. Access the 2023 calendar. 


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