TRUTHStream Media's Melissa
Dykes revisits a story I posted
about 5 years ago regarding
hard evidence that has emerged
over the years of US military
psychological operations
involvement in the production
of this country's news media.
US Government propaganda
against US Persons was illegal
until Barack Obama officially
legitimized it in the 2012 NDAA
(National Defense Authorization
Act), the annual budget for the
US Department of Defense. This
story was first reported by the
late Michael Hastings on BuzzFeed,
before that independent news
service was co-opted in 2015 by
the propaganda behemoth,
NBCUniversal with a $200 million
Dykes' piece includes a
cringeworthy 1996 clip of Anderson
Cooper, who interned at the CIA for
two summers prior to joining CNN,
reporting that TWA Flight 800 had
been "Shot down" and then after
the commercial break, correcting
himself with the CIA's official line
that the 747 had been brought
down by a "center fuel tank
There are more excellent cringeworthy
moments here. It goes into things that
are no longer reported on in the
Mainstream Media in our post-9/11
world. CNN is hardly the only culprit in
the dissemination of US Government
propaganda. Moreover the concerted
penetration by US military/intelligence
of the media goes back to at least 1951
with President Harry Truman's creation
of Psychological Strategy Board, under
the premise that "Wars could not be
won through bloodshed but by winning
the hearts and minds of people."
In 2000, a Dutch journalist at the
Belgrade office of the Netherlands'
most influential newspaper, the
Trouw ("Loyalty"), Abe de Vries
reported that PsyOps "Personnel,
soldiers and officers" had "Helped in
the production of some news stories,"
while they worked for several weeks at
CNN's TV, radio and satellite
operations. De Vries discovered this in
the French newsletter,
On-Line. The French newsletter
reported on a Pentagon symposium,
in which US Army Colonel Christopher
St. John, Commander of the 4th
Psychological Operations Group had
called for "Greater cooperation between
the armed forces and media giants."
De Vries' story was picked up by the
late great Alexander Cockburn at the
Los Angeles Times in his March 22,
2000 article, "Today's News is Brought
to You by Big Brother".
Evidently ashamed by this 2000
disclosure, CNN discontinued the
internship program and publicly
stated: "It was inappropriate for
PsyOps personnel to be at CNN, they
are not here now and they never
again will be at CNN." However, CNN
went back on their word, according
to this
US Army broadcast, when hosted a PsyOps
officer in 2007 and 2008. This would
lead one to suspect that CNN's 2000
announcement was purely one of
Public Relations damage control.
In 2012, a Freedom of Information Act
request revealed that the US Army's
"Training with Industry" program has
been placing soldiers from the 4th
Psychological Operations Group as
interns at several local US television
stations since "at least" 2001 (a year
after the story broke in the Dutch
newspaper and in the LA Times about
the "Personnel, soldiers and officers"
helping "In the production of some
news stories"). The
Army openly
admitted to the "Training with Industry"
program, after this 2012 FOIA request
became public.
The stated purpose of the program
is to train the soldiers to "...
the emotions, motives,
reasoning, and ultimately,
the behavior
of foreign audiences."
The Army
additionally reported that
branches of the military have
sought to
manage the perceptions
of US
audiences, citing a post on
Yahoo's News blog, TheUpshot about
how the
US Marine Corps placed
Affairs officers at the Chicago
"For several order
to better
understand how to
influence and work
with the news
The "Training with Industry" program
remains alive and well at CBS affiliate
stations, WRAL5 in Raleigh-Durham, NC
and WTOC11 in Savannah, GA which
regularly hosts soldiers from the Army's
4th Psychological Operations Group.
US Army Lt. Col. Stacy Bathrick
commented that "Both of those stations
are very supportive of the military and
think very highly of the program."
PS: If you'd like this service
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a web developer to make a
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so that I can put you in touch
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this operation.
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Real testimonies of people who have
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