Office Highlights
Jenny Fields, Property Appraiser, shown along with Ruth Martucci, Program Assistant with Martin County Library System, and other workshop participants.
Thank you to the Robert Morgade Library and the Elisabeth Lahti Library for providing Jenny the opportunity to speak with your patrons. Topics included, Homestead Exemption, Save Our Homes, Portability, Trust Certificates, and various exemptions for our seniors.
2023 Assessment Roll

On Thursday July 27th the Florida Department of Revenue (FDOR) approved our 2023 Preliminary Tax Roll submission for Martin County. The FDOR is a State agency responsible for the oversight and in-depth auditing of our tax roll data. The annual tax roll audit process is extensive and thorough, requiring 4 different submission reviews throughout every tax year. These audits ensure that all State statutes are followed as well as confirming that the data meets the highest level of accuracy. In addition, sale statistics are run and compared to professional industry standards such as the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO). This assures that all valuations throughout the County are fair and equitable when compared to the market data as of the January 1st 2023 date of assessment. This year our professionals successfully submitted our Preliminary Tax Roll the earliest ever on record while also maintaining the high level of accuracy required by the State.
Recent legislation was passed stating that any calamity or misfortune that occurs after January 1st, 2023 that causes your home to be deemed uninhabitable allows you to be eligible for a prorated refund of property taxes in the year following the event. Calamity occurs when your home is physically damaged or destroyed by catastrophic events such as a fire or hurricane. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to notify our office of the damage or destruction as soon as possible. To learn more on this topic please watch our newest educational video. If you have any questions please call our office at (772) 288-5608.
What's Coming Up in August
Trim Notices Will Be Mailed Mid August
The Martin County Property Appraiser’s Office will be mailing out more than 105,000 Notices of Proposed Property Taxes (AKA Trim Notice) along with the 2023 Informational Supplement to Martin County property and business owners. Please be on the lookout for this important information. Remember your Trim Notice is not a bill, so payment is not needed. Watch our educational video below and click the trim notice image for more detail.
Out and About
August 8th
Indianwood Homeowners

August 9th
Executive Club of Martin County

August 15th
Kiwanis Club of Stuart
New Buyers! Have you estimated your property taxes for this year?
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"We Value Martin!"