April Presentations
Exemption Specialist Kayla Sullivan recently presented to Arrow Title about homestead, portability and other exemptions.
Jenny Fields, Karl Andersson and Tyler Steinhauer presented at the Martin County Realtors of the Treasure Coast on multiple topics such as date of assessment and property exemptions for disabled veterans.
TPP Extension Deadline - May 15th
Martin County business owners who requested an extension to submit their Tangible Personal Property (TPP) Tax Return, the deadline to file the return is Wednesday, May 15th. Please submit your Return to our office by this date to avoid penalties. Blank TPP returns can be found under the "Forms" section of our website. If you have any questions, please email our TPP department at tpp@pa.martin.fl.us or call 772-288-5609.
In the Home Stretch to the 2024 Preliminary Estimate of Taxable Values
In the State of Florida, Property Appraisers are required to report the taxable values to the local Taxing Authorities such as the Board of County Commissioners, School Board, and municipalities. This taxable value will assist them in preparing their budgets and subsequent millage rates. Our production cycle for the 2024 tax year started January 1st and the following numbers reflect what we have accomplished so far!
Married? Divorced? Widowed?
Did you know a change in your marital status can affect your property tax exemptions? This educational video and handout explain what you need to know when you get married, divorced or become widowed.
Community Outreach
Our team would be happy to present to your group and share information about the valuation process, calamity, portability, and tax saving property exemptions, as well as respond to questions. If you are interested in having my team speak with your organization, please click here.
"We VALUE Martin!"