Schedule A Speaker!

Our team would be happy to present to your group and share information about the valuation process, calamity, portability, and tax saving property exemptions, as well as respond to questions. If you are interested in having my team speak with your organization, please click on the image below.

Taxing Authority Public Hearings

Location, Date and Time

The Taxing Authorities which levy property taxes against your property will soon hold PUBLIC HEARINGS to adopt budgets and tax rates for the next year. The purpose of the PUBLIC HEARINGS is to receive opinions from the general public and to answer questions on the proposed tax changes and budgets PRIOR TO TAKING FINAL ACTION. Each Taxing Authority may AMEND OR ALTER its proposals at the hearing. You will find all taxing authority budget hearing dates, locations, times and contact phone numbers below

See Full Handout Here

Find out where Jenny will be presenting this month!

"We VALUE Martin!"
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