Property Monitoring Team News - October 2018

Our sincere thanks for your work this year to steward Conservancy properties.

Without you, we cannot continue to grow as an organization and acquire new properties. When a team reports in about a vandalized sign or a tree blocking a trail, that is one less trip our overworked Stewardship Manager, Dave Hawke, has to make.

We encourage all General Property Monitors to take our Species at Risk and Invasive Species training courses this winter, because those sightings are also helpful. As you will read below, Species at Risk sightings can even give us a break on our property taxes.

We have 16 active property monitoring teams, and so far this year 13 of those teams have done monitoring visits. In total you've made 39 trips out to Conservancy properties.

There is still time to get in your fall property monitoring visit for 2018!
Eileen Atkinson and Holly Brown are now monitoring the Adams Nature Reserve.
New Places, New Faces
Adams, Carthew Bay, Elliott Woods, Kris Starr, and the Ron Reid Nature Reserve have all gotten new caretakers or re-vamped their team over the past six months.

Holly Brown and Eileen Atkinson hail from Washago and Gravenhurst respectively, and are monitoring the Adams Nature Reserve. In addition to staying on the lookout for human incursions and trail conditions, Read More...
Your Observations = Money in the Bank

While you're out checking on trail conditions and human incursions, taking in the species around you can be a rewarding experience.

If you happen to catch sight of a species at risk, we can actually attach a dollar value to that reward.

Read Courtney's article here to understand why we are always happy for sightings of species at risk on our properties, beyond the fact that we are helping to provide them with habitat. Click here for a list of Species at Risk in our area.
You can find this newsletter, blank Monitoring Forms, and other resources for Property Monitoring Teams on our website. Just visit the home page, click the"Volunteer" button, and then " Resources for Volunteers "
Newsletter Content by Meagan Coughlin & Dorthea Hangaard
Photos: Viceroy butterfly, Northern water snake, and the Adams property team by Dorthea Hangaard. Courtney Baker photo by Tanya Clark.
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