Details include:
  • Define 'Span of Control' with reference to Operator Qualification
  • More requirements to training specifying hands-on learning are required
  • More rigorous testing standards on written tests
  • Observation of on-the-job performance is not used as a sole method of evaluation
  • OQ procedures must define the measures used to determine successful completion of on-the-job performance evaluation
  • Operator retains full responsibility for OQ testing and training
  • OQ must establish and maintain a Management of Change program 

The proposed rule can be found here.
Top News
Employee Spotlight
Tom Livingston, CSP
Director of Safety
Tom graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Safety Sciences. He has worked as a safety professional in the energy industry, specifically with oil and gas, for 11 years.

He obtained the Certified Safety Professional certification from the Board of Certified Safety Professionals in 2021.

He and his wife Emily, seven-month-old son Thomas, and their dog Belle live in the Pittsburgh area. Tom enjoys hunting, the outdoors, playing ice hockey, and watching Pittsburgh sports. 
Proposed Federal 'Methane Tax' on Oil and Natural Gas = Skyrocketing Energy Costs for Consumers
One of the most ill-advised provisions included in the Congress' Build Back Better budget reconciliation bill is called for in the Methane Emissions Reduction Act of 2021, a proposed tax on methane emissions from natural gas and petroleum production. The tax would start at $1,800 per ton of emissions in 2023 with the potential direct cost of the tax to the economy being as high as $14.4 billion, increasing 5 percent above inflation in future years.
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See Us at These Upcoming Events

January 27, 2022: PIOGA Cigar Networking Event – Burn – Pittsburgh, PA.

February 8-11, 2022: NAPE - Houston, Texas

March 2, 2022: Ohio Oil and Gas Association Winter Meeting – Easton, Ohio

March 14-16, 2022: Biomass Producers Conference – Jacksonville, Florida