Property Owners' Association of Deep Creek Lake
Protection and Restoration of State-Owned Lakes  
February 3, 2017
"Natural Resources - Protection and Restoration of State-Owned Lakes"
Maryland State Senate and House of Delegates Bills
SB 396/HB 477
The above numbered bills, now pending in the Maryland State Legislature, concern the establishment of a fund for the protection and restoration of Maryland lakes.  The Senate Bill is SB396 titled "Natural Resources - Protection and Restoration of State-Owned Lakes" and is crossed filed in the House as HB477. These bills, if passed by the Senate and House, will benefit all Maryland lakes including Deep Creek Lake. The SB396 can be seen here. I encourage you to support this bill by sending a letter of endorsement and support to:
Honorable Senator Joan Carter Conway
Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee
Miller Senate Office Building, 2 West Wing
11 Bladen St.,
Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1991
Alternatively you may send an email to Senator Conway  at:    [email protected]
LIKEWISE please send a letter or email to
Chairman Kumar Barve and Members
House Environment and Transportation Committee
Room 251 Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
Email address:  [email protected]
By sending your support to both the Senate and the House you have covered the bases.  In addition, we have been asked, for ease in processing your letters/email, that all correspondence should have the bill name (either SB396 or HB477) easily visible in the top right corner of the letter.
LASTLY , please send a copy of your letter/email of support to Garrett County's State Senator and sponsor of the bill,  Senator George Edwards, at:
Thanks very much for your support on these bills which, if passed, will benefit Deep Creek Lake as well as other Maryland lakes.

Bob Hoffmann
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