May 2022
Protesting people group. Activists hold sign board or placard_ team holding announce poster and active protest. Political activist manifestation parade_ union strike rally  illustration

Welcome to the May edition of the Milldam Monthly.

Data Center Pushback

Recently, I spoke to Data Center Knowledge about the growing backlash to data center developments across the globe. Numerous data center development projects have faced obstacles from numerous communities where developers are looking to build new facilities or expand current ones. As data centers become better known to the general public, developers will have to reassess how they interact with local communities and stakeholders.

With these new challenges, it's going to be extremely important for data center developers to be strategic about community relations and coalition building, while understanding the attitudes of local communities.

You can see my extended thoughts in the full article here.

7X24 SoCal Golf Tournament a Success

We had a great time participating as the beverage cart sponsor for 7X24 SoCal's first annual golf tournament. The tournament was a great success, and the organization was able to double its original commitment, providing Children's Health Orange County with a $20,000 donation.

Each month we work with our clients to help them reach end-users through articles and bylines in relevant business and trade publications
With the regular return to in-person events after a nearly two-year hiatus, some of us might be a little rusty on how we can make the most of these in-person gatherings.

To brush up on some techniques you can employ at your next trade show, check out our blog Taking Advantage of Trade Shows
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