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Read news from the world of astronomy for the week of February 25, 2022.
Latest News
How are stars born? One of the best places to test ideas about stellar birth is in Orion.

A visible glow from our sister planet’s nightside sheds new light on a 300-year-old observing enigma dubbed the “ashen light.”

Astronomers found a fast radio burst — presumably from a young stellar remnant — amongst the ancient stars of a globular cluster.

Astronomers have found a black hole leaning decidedly askew in its orbit with a star.

Observing Highlights
After dark in late winter, five carnivore constellations are rising upright in a row from the northeast to south. They are Ursa Major the Big Bear in the northeast, Leo the Lion, Hydra the Sea Serpent, Canis Minor the Little Dog, and Canis Major the Big Dog in the south.

Download February’s episode pf our monthly Sky Tour astronomy podcast to explore the colorful constellations that surround Orion, the Hunter.