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19th December 2024

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News and comment from

Roy Lilley

Proud of what you do...


Just for you…

The NHS is the world’s fifth largest employer.

The world's first universal healthcare system funded by taxation.

With over 1.4 million staff, the NHS is the largest employer in Europe and the fifth largest globally.

In the wider UK economy, as a whole, 9.5% of the workforce are managers.

In the NHS just 2% of the workforce are managers.

Of the total NHS workforce 52% are clinically trained

Of the remaining 48%, almost half are support staff such as cleaners, porters and canteen staff who keep the service running.

The average local general hospital will;

  • Deliver over 9,000 babies
  • Take half a million calls to the switchboard
  • Produce 1.4 million meals
  • Carry out 2,000 cataract operations
  • Look after 1,500 people in 'virtual wards'
  • Carry out 60,000 maintenance jobs
  • Porters will walk 6 miles a day
  • Housekeeping will produce 500,000 items of laundry, use 90,000 mop heads and clean 40,000 sqm of floor every day.

The NHS operates around six and a half thousand general practices…

Primary care sees a million people a day.

NHS emergency departments see over 25 million visits annually.

NHS surgeons perform around 4,000 organ transplants each year.

The NHS blood donation service collects over 2 million units of blood annually.

Women make up 70% of the total workforce and a majority 58% of managers, plus just under 50% of strategic roles, including board membership. 

One third of managers are clinicians.

Of every 1,000 staff;

  • 876 are British,
  • 56 from EU countries,
  • 41 Asian,
  • 19 African,
  • 8 from elsewhere. 

There are over 200 different nationalities; 160 from Ukraine, 183 from Russia.

If the NHS were a country it would be around the thirtieth largest in the world.

The majority of chief executives are paid under £200,000.

Some chief executives of large FT’s can be paid around £250,000

The chief executive of NHS England, responsible for the NHS' annual budget of almost £160 billion and 1.2 million staff, is paid around £200,000.

The chief executive of Severn Trent water company was paid £2.8 million last year.

The NHS has one doctor for every 356 people, compared to one for every 277 people across the comparator countries. 

The NHS has very low levels of hospital beds and the lowest levels of both CT and MRI scanners: it has fewer beds per person than 16 of the 18 other comparable countries.

NHS has the largest share of generic prescribing of all comparator countries, at +84%.

There are an estimated 600 million patient contacts in a year.


  • 365 million appointments in GP practices.
  • Around 73 million interactions with services like district nurses and health visitors.
  • About 141 million patient interactions in hospitals.
  • More than 34 million calls to ambulance and 111, combined.

Sees about 1141 patients every minute.

There’s plenty more… but I thought you’d be busy office partying, shopping, packing, wrapping. Traveling, visiting and all that good stuff… and be far too busy to bother with me.

So, may I say thank you for your company this year.

For ignoring my spelling misatkes, for trusting me with your secrets telling what's what and giving me what for.

Have a great Christmas and I hope your new year brings you everything you wish for and health and happiness and joy.


... it’s OK to be proud of what you do.  


and a


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Dr Paul Lambden

Father Christmas doesn’t look well to me

'... it is a gargantuan task for an old man who, frankly, doesn’t look that fit to me. .'

News and Other Stuff


>> Widespread failure risk in adult social care without action - Government told.

>> Civil service headcount rises again – now same size as 2006.

>> Four more integrated care systems have been told to bring in management consultants - to review their savings plans by NHSE.

>> HSJ research reveals 925 women diverted to give birth at other units - three-quarters of diverts to other trusts were due to staffing, acuity and capacity problems

This week we're off go


Plymouth ...

... looking at the General Practice Nurse' role in diagnosis of suspected UTI

5th Edition

New and updated content.

Learn how to navigate the bullies, manipulators and complainers who drive you mad. With example dialogue and techniques, it will help you navigate tricky situations and keep your cool.

⬇️ For more news, scroll down

This is what I'm hearing, unless you know different. In which case, tell me, in confidence.


>> I'm hearing - HMG wants health organisation boundaries to “align” with devolved regional authorities, in the long-term.

>> I'm hearing - more than 80% of NHS information is recorded in free text.

>> I'm hearing - The Liberal Democrats have launched a bid to exempt GP practices from a 'self-defeating' rise in employer national insurance announced in the autumn budget after fears it could force practice closures and reduce GP appointments.

More News


>> The ‘quad-demic’ is here – and with it I have become a disease detective - Zoe Williams

>> How a young Dutch woman’s life began - when she was allowed to die.

>> Woman diagnosed with incurable cancer - after being kicked out of GP surgery

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