MARCH   2017
What is your legacy?
MainStory To Proverbs Men
Purpose #4 -   " We are Shaped
                         for Serving God "
During Lent, daily excerpts from "Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren have been forwarded to more than 100 people in our church and beyond.  The following is shared for Day 29.

Day 29 - Accepting Our Assignment. 
We were put on earth to make a contribution.  We were not created just to consume resources - to eat, breathe, and take up space.  God designed us to make a difference with our lives.  Many books offer advice on how to "get" the most out of life, but we were created to "add" to life on earth.  This is God's fourth Purpose for our lives, and it is called our "ministry" or "service".  The Bible states:
  • We were created to serve God.  Whenever we serve others, we are actually serving God.
  • We were saved to serve God. God redeemed us to do "His Holy Work". We were not "saved" by our service; we serve because we are "saved".  We do not serve God out of fear or guilt; we serve out of joy and deep gratitude for what He has done for us.  A saved heart is one that wants to serve. God does not immediately take us to heaven the moment we accept grace.  He leaves us here to fulfill His Purpose.
  • We are called to serve God. Every Christian is called to serve others with their God-given abilities. A "non-serving Christian" is a contradiction in terms.  One needs to be connected to a church family to serve other believers in practical ways.  Today, thousands of churches are dying because Christians are unwilling to serve.  They are spectators and not on the playing field.
  • We were commanded to serve God.  Jesus taught that Spiritual Maturity is never an end in itself. Maturity is for ministry.  Bible study without service leads to spiritual stagnation.  The Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea are examples; one is full of life because it takes in and gives out, the other has no outlet and is stagnant. If we are not serving, we are stagnant.  Life is meant for ministry!
We are going to give our lives for something. What will it be - a career, a sport, a hobby, fame, wealth?  None of these have lasting significance.  It is through ministry that our lives have meaning and eternal importance.  God will use us, if we stop making excuses.

Point to Ponder:   Service is not optional.
Question to Consider:    What is holding me back from accepting God's call
                                        to serve Him?
"A generous person will prosper;
    whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."   Proverbs 11:25
" The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
    and the one who is wise saves lives."     Proverbs 11:30     


Proverbially Speaking
by  Ed Bolton - Director
Build Walls or Build Bridges?

A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls. Proverbs 25:28

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!   Matthew 23:37

And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split.  Matthew 27:51

"General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - President Ronald Reagan, June 12, 1987

We're hearing a lot about walls lately. Walls can be good things in the proper context. As the writer of Proverbs points out in chapter 25 verse 28, walls are particularly good against invasion until a person or a people (city) struggled with uncontrollable passions. Then they were left vulnerable and subject to attack. Prior to, during, and in centuries subsequent to Solomon's time it was incumbent upon leaders to build walls to protect capital cities from enemy attack. Jerusalem was such a city. As long as the people of Jerusalem were faithful to the Lord, His temple, and the city itself were impervious to attack. However, as God's people idolized the gods of lust and material gain, no walls could or would protect them from invasion and destruction. Solomon's and Nehemiah's walls and temples were both ultimately destroyed due to apostasy. Walls are not such a strong barrier when internal decadence and selfishness prevail after all.

When Jesus approached the "faithful" walled city of Jerusalem with its magnificent Herodian temple he mourned for her. He undoubtedly looked not so much at the structures of the city as he did at the hardness of her people's hearts. They were walled in with pride, anger, selfishness, and fear. Sure enough, in 70 AD, her temple and walls were destroyed yet again. No amount of physical self-preservation will guard one's hardened heart.
Walls have been and are built to try to keep in one's people and one's possessions as well. During the 20th century the totalitarian Soviet ruled East Germany built the Berlin Wall to "protect" its citizens from the "evils of democracy." No one was allowed in or out, without special privilege. President Ronald Reagan saw the futility and evil of such protectionism and challenged the Soviets with his famous speech 40 years ago. Ultimately, the wall was broken not with weapons, but from decadence within the Soviet regime. It was unsustainable.

God's temple in Jerusalem was his dwelling place for a season, but his prophets foretold that this was not his ultimate dwelling place. God's plan was to make each of his believers and followers temples of His Holy Spirit. The Holy of Holies in His temple represented our hearts where he seeks to reside. When Christ died on the cross, the veil (wall if you will) protecting the Holy of Holies was torn from top to bottom. All people symbolically now had the potential and privilege to have direct access to God through the tearing down of this wall separating humankind from God the Father through the sacrificial blood of the Son and the power of the Holy Spirit.

What is your wall today? Is it one of fear and anger and resultant self-protection such that you will not let anyone in, including the Savior? Is it one of pride and possession so that you will not reach out beyond your personal walls and be vulnerable enough to share what you believe you've worked for and earned? It seems that perhaps nationally this is what our country has become on many levels. We need to build walls of insulation and protection rather than reach out in confidence and trust. This was the way of cities and countries in centuries past. Perhaps the world is devolving into this state once again. However, this is not the way of Christ and His Kingdom. Christ came to break down walls and build bridges of trust, first in his Church and then to the world. He said even the gates (walls if you will) of hell would not prevail against the Kingdom of God. The danger of building physical walls is that our fear of invasion from outside or getting lost if we wander from the safety of inside creates hearts that become walled in as well.

Back in the 60's the folk/rock music team of Simon and Garfunkel wrote and sang these words:

" I've built walls, a fortress deep and mighty, that none may penetrate. I have no need of friendship, friendship causes pain, its laughter and it's loving I disdain. I am a rock, I am an island. And a rock feels no pain. And an island never cries."

Walls may protect from suffering and pain, but they also isolate and insulate from joy, friendship, laughter and love. Fear of man builds walls; love of man and love and holy fear of God builds bridges.

Proverbs Men T Shirts are still available. Just let us know quantity and size. Donations accepted.


May you and your family have a blessed Easter!

Bob Batson
"Building Godly Men, Men of Character,
Men of Integrity One Day at a Time"
Each month, we will highlight one of the twelve characteristics of a Proverbs Man here and on our website, so that we may  grow and share God's wisdom.   This month is....
"Have Integrity "
God tells us to have Integrity.

Proverbs 11:3  "The integrity of the upright guides them, 
              but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity." 

Integrity means to be whole - One.  The opposite is duplicity.
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ServingYouServing You
Proverbs Men is a service organization.  Our purpose is to be a resource for men, churches, Bible studies, and others relating to the Book of Proverbs. 


Available at  are: 
PM Resources - Books to help individuals.


PM Bible Studies - To help churches.

PM T-Shirts - To encourage men.


Let us know how we can serve you, your church, or your men's group better emailing us at [email protected].
Welcome to Proverbs Men

Your offer(s) should cover the basics - name of the product or service, price, terms of payment, time limit, any incentives or guarantees and of course, how to get it.
ProverbsMenWhat is a Proverbs Man?

Proverbs Men encourages men to read a Proverb a day.  On the first day of the month, we read Proverbs 1; on the second day of the month, we read Proverbs 2 etc.  A commentary and the Proverb is available at PM Daily Reading. 

Each month, we read Proverbs again, digging deeper for the "hidden treasure" of wisdom.  As we "Seek Wisdom", we learn to "Trust God."  
Each month we share the wisdom of Proverbs with at least one other person.  Then we pray for that person that they may become a Proverbs Man.


Men of Integrity, One Day at a Time"
Article Headline
Know your target audience. Who are your most important customers, clients or prospects, and why? Know what is important to them and address their needs in your newsletter each month. Include a photo to make your newsletter even more appealing.
Insert a "read on" link at the bottom of your article to drive traffic to your website. Links are tracked, allowing you to see which articles create the most interest for your readers.
Article Headline
Know your target audience. Who are your most important customers, clients or prospects, and why? Know what is important to them and address their needs in your newsletter each month. Include a photo to make your newsletter even more appealing.
Insert a "read on" link at the bottom of your article to drive traffic to your website. Links are tracked, allowing you to see which articles create the most interest for your readers.
Promotion Name
Try phrases like: dramatic savings, clearance, overstocked, reduced rates, buy 1 get 1 free, treat yourself, you deserve it, and don't miss out. Insert a link in the promotion to your website. Because links are tracked, you can see which promotions generate the most interest in your customers.

Our Price: $
List Price:
S & H:$3.00
Promotion Name
Try phrases like: dramatic savings, clearance, overstocked, reduced rates, buy 1 get 1 free, treat yourself, you deserve it, and don't miss out. Insert a link in the promotion to your website. Because links are tracked, you can see which promotions generate the most interest in your customers.

Our Price: $
List Price:
S & H:$3.00



  "Shaped for God's Purpose"  


"Build Walls or Build Bridges ?"


"Have Integrity"


Our Prayer


Serving You


What is a Proverbs Man?



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Our Prayer
Our heavenly Father, we come looking to serve You each day. 
Please put opportunities for service in our path and help us to be men faithful to You.
Please help us to build bridges to others that will honor and glorify Your name.
This we ask in the name of our LORD and Savior,  Jesus Christ.

Proverbs Men encourages men to:



James 1:5

"If  any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." 

Your Support

for T-shirts


During the last 5 years, Proverbs Men has given away 1000 T-Shirts.  The well is dry and we ask your help in buying more.


Please consider Proverbs Men for a donation of $10, $25, $50, $100 or more. 
Please help us to touch
men around the world.  
Your contribution is tax deductible as Proverbs Men is a 501(c)3 organization.  Whether you can or cannot support us financially, please pray for us.  If you have new ideas, please email us at [email protected]


Real Men in 
Proverbs T-Shirts

 "Real Men" are those who honor God, our Creator.  We were created in His image, and we strive to honor Him with our thoughts, our words, our actions, our whole lives. 


Do Whatever it takes to share the wisdom of Proverbs with others!    Wear your Proverbs Men T-Shirt!!!

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Proverbs Men
PO Box 2037
Wolfeboro, NH 03894