May 8, 2019
Provide Your Feedback to Your State Office - Respond to the American Customer Satisfaction Index Survey
Every two years the Office of Community Services provides an opportunity for our Network of Community Action Agencies to provide direct feedback to the State Offices through the American Customer Satisfaction Survey (ACSI).  The time is here for the third ACSI which will be made available online on Thursday, May 9, 2019 and will remain open through June 4, 2019.  This is a great opportunity for all our agencies to provide their input about how their state offices are doing, ensure accountability, help the states develop their state plan and contribute in the effort to improve performance across the CSBG Network.  The Partnership strongly encourages all agencies to participate - responses are anonymous and the collective results from each state go directly to your State Office to help them  improve how they work with our agencies.
How Can You Participate?

All Executive Directors/CEOs will receive an Action Transmittal communication document to discuss the survey launch. The survey should be completed by the Executive Director/CEO and should not be transferred to another individual. The  email will be sent on behalf of OCS by the CFI Group from the following address: The
subject line will read:  Office of Community Services Survey of CSBG Eligible Entities. Completing the survey should take less than 20 minutes.   
Be on the lookout for the email and check your spam folders if you haven't received it by close of business tomorrow, Thursday, May 9th. Should you have any questions please contact Roneika Carr at
Thanks for your attention to this important opportunity to have your voice heard and have a great Community Action Month!
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The Community Action Partnership is a national hub that links the nation's 1000-plus Community Action Agencies to each other-- and to leaders looking for solutions that connect Americans to greater opportunity. The nation's Community Action Agencies are a robust, state, and local force-- reaching children and families in 99 percent of America's counties with life-changing services, from early childhood education to job training to services for seniors. The Partnership office supports local agency leaders with training and innovation, so they can apply best practices to their work and pursue strategies that strengthen families and communities.  To Learn more about us, please visit our website.
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