Providential War for America

33rd 7.1 Jeol and 27th 7.8 Jeol Holy Day

“As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.” I will tell of the decree: The Lord said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. Psalm 2:6-8


 It is so difficult to erase ink on a white sheet of paper. What Satan wrote is more difficult to erase than ink. If you wish to erase it, you must die and be revived. Realize that although you have the name of being alive, yet you are dead. As long as hooks remain within you, Satan will claim you as his. Thus, Jesus stated: "Those who seek to die will live, and those who seek to live will die." CSG Book 5, Ch. 6, Section 2.2 Prepare a Passport to Heaven, p. 183, October 30, 1983.

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started the service by discussing how Trump is being prosecuted for speaking out about the 2020 election, ie. exercising his right of free speech. He is accused of “organized crime,” meaning the exercise of first amendment rights has become a crime in our nation. Jesus was charged as a felon by the Roman state. Jesus said we must pick up our cross, not a pina colada. 

True Father was imprisoned in Japan, in Korea and in the US. He could have remained in Korea, but instead flew back to the USA to face charges of failing to pay $7K in taxes. After serving time in Danbury, he chose to invest in America by starting The Washington Times.

If Trump is convicted, then all his “deplorable” supporters are the next target. He is not backing down. God is opening a new history, but we have to walk over our fear. The founders of America were strong men and women.

It’s natural to fear death, but let us walk in the newness of life. The “Beast” totalitarian regimes in North Korea, China, and Venezuela use fear to control the people.

There are plans to institute more lockdowns around the world this September. When he traveled to Japan and Korea last year, there were strict Covid testing and other mandatory measures. It’s important to remember what has happened. The whole world has been suffering. A woman in Australia was brutalized for a Facebook post criticizing the lockdown and other irrational measures.

When we have the love of Christ, we can overcome the fear.

Sanctuary Service 8/20/2023

Now the top elites are pushing a “cultural revolution” (trangenderism, porn literacy) to hypersexualize children. The principle teaches that sex is like a fire which must stay inside the furnace to warm your house. Once it escapes, it destroys.

Reserving purity for marriage used to be a cultural norm in America. Even the Muslims wonder how Christians have accepted the dating/hook up culture which says playing around is okay.

The Rockefeller Foundation started to fund feminist studies, Kinsey’s fraudulent research, and other initiatives that delegitimize strong families nearly a century ago. Young women are taught to resent children, seeing them as a burden. The Bible teaches that those who practice fornication are destined for hell. Research shows that having sex partners before marriage increases one’s risk of divorce. Waiting until marriage used to be a pillar of America’s Christian culture.

When the family deteriorates, the people become more dependent on government. Popular music and entertainment, also known as “Satan’s worship team,” normalizes fallen world. Please support Vets for Child Rescue, founded by Craig Sawyer.  America is the #1 sex trafficking country in the world. Many pastors are afraid to talk about these issues, but our country is being destroyed.

33rd 7.1 Jeol and 27th 7.8 Jeol Holy Day

A woman who was sex trafficked at a young age founded “Prostitutes for Jesus” in Las Vegas and is now rescuing other women. If girls try to run away they are beaten or murdered. Somehow, she was able to escape. Now she is healed and has a Godly marriage.

In Christ, everything becomes new. The old man dies and a new man lives.  The most powerful force for good is man and woman united in marriage. Mind-body training is important. Fun in the relationship is also important. Children pick that up. It feeds their spirit. If you are too much focused on just work, that undermines the marriage. The purpose of life is to return joy to God. Have the royal mindset to invest in real assets.

Even the satanic kingdoms know not to just play and waste resources. That is why royal, blessed families should protect their bloodline. Continuing the family name used to be very important. The Bible commands husband to love his wife and the wife to respect her husband. Each child is a separate type of “tree.” One on one “dating” with each child is a good way to show love.   

God created the covenant of marriage- it is a big deal. In the bible He uses marriage as an analogy for the relationship of Christ with the church. Men will give their lives to fight “dragons” if they know their wives love them.  

The West has lost the sense of a tribe, and community relationships. People focus on themselves and neglect the larger tribe. Husbands and wives used to be viewed as representative of a whole family network. Don’t think about being a lone man surviving in the woods. You won’t last that long by alone.

He mentioned the “Living in the new world with an old soul” song. Having connections based on shared values is important.  Christianity stands against evils like fornication which are threats to a Godly culture. Marriage can be sacred, holy and still be fun.  


Defending Liberty & the 2nd Amendment

Vets4ChildRescue Founder Craig Sawyer

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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