Quality Results
News and Updates for Providers
April 6, 2022
Updating Demographic Information
When you are updating demographic information for your practitioners or term a practitioner, please submit the information to both QualChoice and Arkansas Health & Wellness. To submit to QualChoice, please send to [email protected]. We will accept the same forms used by Arkansas Health & Wellness or you can use QualChoice forms located here. Please contact Provider Relations with any questions at (501) 228-7111 extension 7004.
Prior Auth Updates for Some Imaging Services
Below is a list of codes affected. You can read more about these codes at the RadMD Advanced Imaging webpage. You can access our Prior Authorization list on our Provider Forms webpage.
3D Rendering with interpretation and reporting of CT, MRI, ultrasound, or other tomographic modality with image postprocessing under concurrent supervision; not requiring image postprocessing on an independent workstation
3D Rendering with interpretation and reporting of CT, MRI, ultrasound, or other tomographic modality with image postprocessing under concurrent supervision; requiring image postprocessing on an independent workstation
Medicare and Marketplace Medical Record Retrieval Projects (MRR)
We are currently engaged in our annual medical record retrieval project. We are required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to submit complete diagnostic data regarding members enrolled in the health plans. Accordingly, QualChoice requests your cooperation to facilitate a medical record review.
We have engaged Change Healthcare and Ciox Health (Ciox) to conduct the medical chart review. A representative from one of our vendors will work with you to provide retrieval options and a list of the requested members’ medical records.
From November 2021 – April 2022 we will be requesting charts for QualChoice members with dates of service January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021
For more information about programs and questions regarding ICD-10 coding and documentation, please contact the Risk Adjustment Department at [email protected].
Managing Symptoms in Members with Allergies
With warmer weather on the way, many are looking forward to spending more time outside for exercise and recreation. Members with seasonal allergies may need additional support managing symptoms during spring months. Additionally, those with stinging insect allergies may be more likely to experience insect stings in the spring and summer. It’s important to talk with members about any allergies they have and their treatment options.
When recommending over the counter medicines to alleviate seasonal allergies, be sure to discuss questions and concerns your patients may have about these medicines, including any possible side-effects. The CDC recommends the following measures to mitigate the effects of pollen:
  • Check local pollen forecasts and try to limit time outdoors when pollen levels are high.
  • Take allergy medications as recommended by your care provider.
  • Try to limit touching your eyes when you are outside and wash your hands when you go inside.
  • Shower after being outside – this helps remove pollen from your skin and hair.
  • Change your clothes after being outside.
  • Keep windows closed when pollen levels are high.
  • Use high-efficiency filters in your heating and cooling system. Make sure your system can use high-efficiency filters and that using these filters doesn’t violate the system’s warranty.

As with any chronic condition, remember to document allergies in the member’s medical record during their annual wellness visit.
Updated Forms
In the Media
To make sure you are using current QualChoice forms, please download from the Provider Forms page at QualChoice.com each time you need to use one.
QualChoice was recently featured in the Log Cabin Democrat with information and tips about common Sleep Disorders.