Connect your patients' or clients' caregivers to 1:1 support
(800) 445-8106 or (415) 434-3388 x331 / fax (415) 434-3508 / [email protected]



Good morning,

Welcome to National Family Caregivers Month! Yesterday you should have received our general e-blast celebrating this observance and providing resources and information for caregivers.

This is a follow-up to providers like yourself who count family caregivers among your patients and clients. If you serve diverse family caregivers—those who are young, or from ethnically diverse cultures, or are members of the LGBTQ+ community—then we invite you to join us in our theme this year of “Supporting a Diversity of Family Caregivers!”

According to NAC/AARP’s landmark 2020 Caregiving in the U.S. report, family caregivers are facing mounting challenges and need support. The report dove deep into their experiences, and provided profiles of specific demographics, including caregivers from diverse and under-represented communities. Scroll halfway down this page to view and access profiles of "typical" caregivers who are:

  • African American
  • Asian
  • Hispanic
  • LGBTQ+
  • Gen X
  • Millennial
  • Students

As an advocate and direct services provider for family caregivers in the multicultural SF Bay Area, we have developed an abundance of resources for diverse caregivers. Please check out our National Family Caregivers Month page to learn more and bookmark resources to pass along to your clients or patients.

On that page, you’ll find:

  • Links to new sections on our website where family caregivers who speak Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog and Vietnamese can navigate our site in their preferred language and find information, classes and resources.

  • Links to dozens of translated materials on a variety of caregiving topics in Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog and Vietnamese.

  • A range of resources for LGBTQ+ family caregivers.

  • Provider-specific links and tools to help you connect your caregiver clients and patients with relevant, valuable resources. 

In addition to the information and resources above, please check out our upcoming classes and events below.

Thank you for all you do to help and support our communities’ caregivers and their care recipients. And happy National Family Caregivers Month!

Thank you,

Family Caregiver Alliance

Upcoming Classes & Events

Introducing new classes and webinars for family caregivers and providers: 

  • Let's Get Away Together! — Every Tues through Dec 20th. We're thrilled to announce another series of this ever-popular virtual travel series. We'll explore the North and South Poles, Santa Barbara, tropical islands, Canada and much more. Full info and registration here.

  • Como Hablar con su Doctor (How to Talk to Your Doctor) — November 10. This workshop teaches Spanish-speaking family caregivers how to identify and use more effective communication techniques with doctors and other health care professionals so they can more fully understand their care recipient's health situation and better advocate for them. Full info and registration here

  • ⽼年⼈⽼年退化症 101 (Dementia 101) — November 18. This class (in Cantonese) provides a basic understanding of dementia and how it affects an individual, as well as tips for caregivers on how to cope with these changes. Full info and registration here

  • FCA in the Community: "It Takes a Village" Fair — November 19. Join us at this free health fair in Oakland featuring classes, live music, food trucks, free health screenings and more. Find us at our resource table to ask questions and learn more about our free services. Full info here

  • The Ins and Outs of Paid Family Leave and Related Rights for Family Caregivers — November 30. This webinar from Legal Aid at Work walks family caregivers through the application process for Paid Family Leave and how to protect their job while taking leave for caregiving. Full info and registration here.

  • Caregiving 101 — December 14. Offers a general overview of what it means to be a family caregiver and how caregiving impacts one's overall health and well-being. Participants will also learn about respite, caregiver stress and ways to find additional help and services. Full info and registration here

All classes are free. Bookmark our calendar to stay up to date on upcoming classes, webinars and events.

Get in Touch Today
Connect caregivers to personalized support & caregiving resources

>> Contact us:


(800) 445-8106 toll free

(415) 434-3388 (ext. 331)


[email protected]

Fax a referral to

(415) 434-3508

Download the fax referral form here

>> Or let caregivers contact us directly by phone or online:

It's easy, fast and only a click away. Caregivers can go online to answer a 15-minute questionnaire that gets them services and answers quickly. They can also set up time to talk with our staff at their convenience.

Stay in the Know...

We respect your inbox, so we send our Provider e-News Update out every 1-2 months. But between issues, we are still hosting and sharing plenty of activities, classes, webinars and new resources for caregivers.

Stay in the know by following us on any or all of our social media channels — and be sure to share them with others who can benefit!

Facebook  Twitter  Youtube  Linkedin  

... and while you're here — sign up for our Connections e-newsletter (designed for family and friend caregivers), ¿Que Pasa? boletin (our e-newsletter for Spanish-speaking caregivers), and our Caregiving Policy Digest newsletter (caregiving policy at the local, national and international levels).

ABOUT Family Caregiver Alliance

FCA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for family caregivers and those who receive their care. Our work intersects three key areas: caregiver services, policy, and research. Learn more here. Although a nationally-recognized organization, San Francisco-established FCA has deep roots and community partnerships in the Bay Area.

FCA supports and assists caregivers of adults with chronic or disabling health conditions regardless of race, ancestry, national origin, creed, gender, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, income, or age.  

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