Connect your patients' or clients' caregivers to 1:1 support
(800) 445-8106 or (415) 434-3388 x331 / fax (415) 434-3508 /



Good morning,


As FCA gets underway with several new initiatives for 2022 and beyond, we’re feeling especially grateful for our organizational partners, both present and past. That’s because in joining forces with them, we’ve been able to help more family caregivers with more services than we’d be able to do alone. Together, we've been able to provide:


  • free trainings for providers on culturally competent care,

  • in-depth videos for family caregivers who do nursing tasks,

  • gatherings, classes and events for caregivers, ...

...and much more. Check out the blog linked below to learn more.


As part of our efforts to develop even more local partnerships that will support more Bay Area caregivers, we’re happy to introduce Julian Leus, our new Community Engagement Specialist. In the Q&A linked below, you’ll learn more about Julian and how they work with providers and organizations to increase community support for family caregivers, as well as how to get in touch.


And finally, we want to let you know that FCA is moving! Effective April 1, we'll be in our new offices (same neighborhood, just a block away from our old digs):


235 Montgomery St., #930

San Francisco, CA 94104


Our phone number is the same:

(800) 445-8106

(415) 434-3388

Thank you,

Family Caregiver Alliance

Overview of in 4 Languages

We’re excited to share 4 new videos that provide non-English speakers with a brief overview of what they can find on our website in their language. They’ll learn about: factsheets on specific conditions and how to manage daily caregiving tasks; resources on self-care and managing stress; and free classes on a variety of caregiving topics. The videos, all less than a minute, are on our YouTube channel in the following languages:

Tagalog | Spanish | Vietnamese | Chinese

Q & A with Julian Leus

We’re happy to introduce Julian Leus, FCA’s new Community Engagement Specialist. Julian works with social service, health care, and provider organizations that support family caregivers and local communities. In this Q&A, Julian shares some insights from working with family caregivers, offers tips to providers who may have caregiver clients or patients, and describes the free in-service sessions we offer to local organizations.

Classes and Events

Introducing new classes and webinars for family caregivers. Listings with an asterisk (*) are open only to SF Bay Area caregivers:

Through March 15 (weekly) — Let's Get Away Together. Full info & registration for this virtual travel series here.

March 15* — Managing Stress for Caregivers (online class). Full info & registration here.

March 30 — An Elderly Mother and an Aging Son: A Journalist's Caregiving Story (webinar). Full info & registration here.

May 12 — Updates on Dementia (conference via Zoom). SAVE THE DATE and check the calendar soon for registration details.

All classes are free. Bookmark our calendar to stay up to date on upcoming classes. click here.

* Class is limited to family caregivers who live in the six counties of the San Francisco Bay Area (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara).

1-Page Info Sheet for Bay Area Family Caregivers

As one of 11 Caregiver Resources Centers (CRCs) serving California's estimated 4.5 million family caregivers, FCA serves as the CRC for the Bay Area's six counties. This handy info sheet gives a quick overview of our free services and offerings for Bay Area family caregivers. Pass it on to any of your caregiver patients or clients who are looking for support or assistance.

The Power of Partnerships

Do you belong to an organization that serves family caregivers or those they care for? FCA regularly partners with national and local organizations like yours to help more family caregivers in more communities. If you’re wondering what a partnership might look like, check out our article Better Together: Serving More Caregivers Through Community Partnerships for some real-life examples. And if you’re interested in working together, please reach out to us today!

¿Que Pasa? Boletin

Did you know that we publish an e-newsletter in Spanish for Latino family caregivers? It's called ¿Que Pasa? and it's published once every two months via email. ¿Que Pasa? includes articles, tips and resources in Spanish, as well as info for events, classes, webinars, support groups, community resources and more. Readers will also hear from Adriana Sanchez and Stella Lazo, two of our family consultants who provide direct support to our Spanish-speaking clients, as well as develop and lead programming for our Latino community. Sign up for the newsletter and see previous issues here and/or pass on to caregivers of your Latinx clients/patients!

Get in Touch Today
Connect caregivers to personalized support & caregiving resources

>> Contact us:


(800) 445-8106 toll free

(415) 434-3388

(extension 331)


Fax a referral to

(415) 434-3508

Download the referral fax form here

>> Or let caregivers contact us directly by phone or online:

It's easy, fast and only a click away. Caregivers can go online to answer a 15-minute questionnaire that gets them services and answers quickly. They can also set up time to talk with our staff at their convenience.

Stay in the Know...

We respect your inbox, so we send our Provider e-News Update out every 2-3 months. But between issues, we are still hosting and sharing plenty of activities, classes, webinars and new resources for caregivers.

Stay in the know by following us on any or all of our social media channels — and be sure to share them with others who can benefit!

Facebook  Twitter  Youtube  Linkedin  

... and while you're here — sign up for our Connections e-newsletter (designed for family and friend caregivers), ¿Que Pasa? boletin (our e-newsletter for Spanish-speaking caregivers), and our Caregiving Policy Digest newsletter (caregiving policy at the local, national and international levels).

ABOUT Family Caregiver Alliance

FCA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for family caregivers and those who receive their care. Our work intersects three key areas: caregiver services, policy, and research. Learn more here. Although a nationally-recognized organization, San Francisco-established FCA has deep roots and community partnerships in the Bay Area.

FCA supports and assists caregivers of adults with chronic or disabling health conditions regardless of race, ancestry, national origin, creed, gender, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, income, or age.  

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