Connect your patients' or clients' caregivers to 1:1 support
(800) 445-8106 or (415) 434-3388 x331 / fax (415) 434-3508 /



Good morning,


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and a reminder for us all to take a step back and prioritize self-care.

Two years of living and working through the pandemic has hit some groups especially hard. A study in 2020 found that an overwhelming majority of health care workers were experiencing exhaustion, burnout, anxiety and stress. Similarly, family caregivers during this same period experienced disproportionately high levels of adverse mental health symptoms, including anxiety, depression, substance use, trauma- and stressor-related disorders, and suicidal ideation. Sadly, this is part of an ongoing trend for caregivers: Family caregivers of those 50 or older experienced a 5 percent increase in emotional or mental health issues from 2015 to 2019 (a period that pre-dates the pandemic).

If your caregiver patients or clients are experiencing stress or caregiving challenges, we can help. You can refer them to us for assistance and support; and in the meantime, pass along the mental health resources that we've gathered below.

If you’re a social service or health care provider and need support, check out these resources from the CDC NIOSH, NAMI, and MHA. Your mental health and well-being are so important—and deserving of extra care and attention as we emerge from the acute phase of the pandemic. Thank you for all you do to support your community and its members!

Thank you,

Family Caregiver Alliance

Mental Health Resources

for Family Caregivers

Here are some of our most popular resources to help family caregivers improve their well-being and mental health. 


Caregiver Depression: A Silent Health Crisis (available in 4 languages)

A conservative estimate reports that 20 percent of family caregivers suffer from depression—twice the rate of the general population. This fact sheet covers the signs of depression and preventive recommendations.

Depression & Caregiving (available in 5 languages)

It is not unusual for caregivers to develop mild or more serious depression as a result of the constant demands they face while providing care. This sheet covers symptoms of depression, strategies for self-care and a variety of treatment options.


Seasons of Care: Wellness and Self-Care for the Family Caregivers

Speakers Andrea Sherman, PhD, and Marsha Weiner, MA, discuss wellness and self-care for family caregivers.


Being a family caregiver can be not only challenging but isolating—which makes community all the more important. As the California Task Force on Family Caregiving reports, “When caregivers have more support options available, they are more likely to participate in support groups that can benefit mental health.”

FCA hosts remote/online support groups for Spanish speakers, young adult caregivers, members of the LGBT community and more. These are delivered via various formats, including Zoom, telephone and email-based listservs. See the support groups page for full info.

“I have just begun, but I am immensely pleased with the support that I didn't even know I needed, and which has made the load feel more bearable.”

— Family caregiver & support group participant

Upcoming Classes & Events

Introducing new classes and webinars for family caregivers: 

  • Let's Get Away Together! — weekly at 1pm PT through June 14. This virtual group travel series is back by popular demand. Full registration and info on our calendarRead full details and "destinations" in the article at bottom. 

  • FCA Presents: A Conversation with the 2021 Innovations in Alzheimer's Caregiving Award Winners — May 25, 11am PT. Join us for a panel discussion with the most recent winners of this award that recognizes organizations that are leading the way in addressing the needs of Alzheimer's caregivers. Full info and registration here

  • Dementia 101 (in Chinese (Mandarin)) — May 26, 10am PT. Covers the basics of dementia and how it affects an individual. Also provides tips for caregivers on how to cope with these changes. Full info and registration here.

  • Dementia 101 (in Spanish) — June 13, 10am PT. Covers the basics of dementia and how it affects an individual. Also provides tips for caregivers on how to cope with these changes. Full info and registration here.

All classes are free. Bookmark our calendar to stay up to date on upcoming classes, webinars and events.

New Staff, More Support

Do you ever wonder who your caregiver clients talk to after you refer them to us? Well, chances are they may be helped by Melody, Chi or Stephen. We're excited to welcome these three new staff members to our direct services team of Family Consultants and Resources Specialists. Here's a primer on this team's roles and how they help our clients every day. 

Resource Specialists — These are our intake staff who field calls and inquiries from family caregivers. As their title describes, they help caregivers with eligibility and enrollment, referrals to services, connections to resources, and general info. Basically, they help caregivers figure out what they need and connect them with services and support. Melody speaks Cantonese and Mandarin and Stephen speaks Korean.

Family Consultants — After the initial intake process and eligibility screening, caregivers are then connected with a Family Consultant with expertise in the caregiver’s county of residence. Our professional consultants perform in-depth assessments for caregivers, creating a tailored care plan and assembling the resources they’ll need along their caregiver journey. Our Family Consultants are clinicians with years of experience and advanced degrees; and in addition to English, they speak Spanish, Cantonese and Mandarin. 

Melody, Chi and Stephen join the staff that provides services specifically for caregivers in the six Bay Area Counties, although FCA offers numerous resources and assistance for caregivers nationwide.

Our staff can be reached by phone or email at: (800) 445-8106 | (415) 434-3388

(extension 331) | Or you can reach Melody, Chi or Stephen directly at, and See FCA's full staff list here

Spotlight: Let's Get Away Together!

By popular demand, we've launched the 10th iteration of ‘Let’s Get Away, Together!’ The series comprises interactive sessions with each week focusing on a new place or cultural activity.

'Let’s Get Away Together' is designed to be an enjoyable activity for family caregivers and the person they care for. Those receiving care who are able to participate in the discussion and activities are encouraged to attend with their family caregiver.

May 24—Let's go to the British Virgin Islands (Caribbean) with Alicia!

Life is rich and relaxed in the untainted beauty of the British Virgin Islands. Together we will sail on the clear waters, swim in the wonders of The Baths, and soak in the endless sky.

May 31—Encore of Music Around the World

Let’s visit some of our favorite spots around the world, hearing snippets of folk music, performed live by Katrina, learning about the culture, and celebrating the beauty of getting to ‘travel’ together in this way!

June 7—Let’s Explore Around the World: Fun Facts that may Sound Unreal but are True!

Join Alicia and discover something new—our world is truly a place of unique, and often stunning, realities!

June 14—Best of the Golden Era Musicals!

Join Katrina in learning, singing and reminiscing about favorite songs from our well-known Broadway shows. 

Full info and registration here. Read a Q&A about the series here

Get in Touch Today
Connect caregivers to personalized support & caregiving resources

>> Contact us:


(800) 445-8106 toll free

(415) 434-3388

(extension 331)


Fax a referral to

(415) 434-3508

Download the referral fax form here

>> Or let caregivers contact us directly by phone or online:

It's easy, fast and only a click away. Caregivers can go online to answer a 15-minute questionnaire that gets them services and answers quickly. They can also set up time to talk with our staff at their convenience.

Stay in the Know...

We respect your inbox, so we send our Provider e-News Update out every 1-2 months. But between issues, we are still hosting and sharing plenty of activities, classes, webinars and new resources for caregivers.

Stay in the know by following us on any or all of our social media channels — and be sure to share them with others who can benefit!

Facebook  Twitter  Youtube  Linkedin  

... and while you're here — sign up for our Connections e-newsletter (designed for family and friend caregivers), ¿Que Pasa? boletin (our e-newsletter for Spanish-speaking caregivers), and our Caregiving Policy Digest newsletter (caregiving policy at the local, national and international levels).

ABOUT Family Caregiver Alliance

FCA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for family caregivers and those who receive their care. Our work intersects three key areas: caregiver services, policy, and research. Learn more here. Although a nationally-recognized organization, San Francisco-established FCA has deep roots and community partnerships in the Bay Area.

FCA supports and assists caregivers of adults with chronic or disabling health conditions regardless of race, ancestry, national origin, creed, gender, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, income, or age.  

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