Quotes from leaders
A leader being coached: "My Coach took the mess I gave her and pulled out the one important string."

A coach: "I had a coachee who asked me to get them through COVID. I helped them find a way to have accountability in taking better care of themselves. They had all the tools, they just needed the support to use them.

Why a leader prefers coaching to mentoring at this point in their ministry: "A coach is better than a mentor because the mentor tells you what they would do, a coach helps you discover what you would do."

We are here to support you!
Coaches are available to ALL leaders – clergy and lay. You can be coached individually, create a group of people, or bring a team together for creating shared goals and plans. Any of them will offer an introductory session so you can together discern if you are a good fit. If you work in a rural area, you might qualify for free coaching. Find out more and explore coaching with a trained leadership coach!

For information on LCP Coach training or to discuss Coaching by one of the LCP Trained Coaches, visit this website or contact Province V Coordinator Heather Barta at [email protected] or (989) 413-3229.