News from Province V - July 2023 | |
Highlights of this edition:
- Opening Prayer
- Anti-Human Trafficking Prayer Service and Speakers - July 31
- Big Provincial Gathering 2024 - Save the Date!
- Campus Ministry Consultant - Sign up for listening sessions!
- Episcopal Church Revival - July 9-12
- Creation Care Challenges
- Season of Creation resources (planning for the fall!)
- EPN: Upcoming webinars
- St. Leonard's Ministries
- Recovery Ministries of The Episcopal Church
- Sabbath: a documentary
- Networking Conversation
- Affiliated Organizations
- Upcoming Events and Webinars
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Opening Prayer
Prayer to end human trafficking
We seek your divine protection for all who are exploited and enslaved.
For those forced into labor, trafficked into sexual slavery, and denied freedom.
We beseech you to release them from their chains.
Grant them protection, safety, and empowerment.
Restore their dignity and provide them a new beginning.
Show us how we might end exploitation by addressing its causes.
Help us reach out in support of victims and survivors of human trafficking.
Make us instruments of your spirit for their liberation.
For this we pray through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen
from USCCB
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Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind
Monday, July 31, 7 pm ET / 6 pm CT
Anti-Human Trafficking Prayer Service and Speakers
The campaign for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2023 aims to raise awareness of disturbing developments and trends identified by the latest UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons and calls on governments, law enforcement, public services, and civil society to assess and enhance their efforts to strengthen prevention, identify and support victims, and end impunity.
Join us as we offer prayers for survivors of human trafficking
and listen to our speakers:
Rachel Socorro, Survivor Leader/Director and
Bronsen Landrum, Survivor Specialist/President
from Total Life Wellness
Registration is required
registration link:
Facebook event link
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The Province V Synod meeting will be held on Friday afternoon.
This meeting is open to all and required for Synod Deputies and Bishops.
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Saturday, April 27 will be full of workshops offered "ministry fair" style. Do you have something to share with others? Are you particularly proud of a project you did or a ministry you support? Start thinking about if you'd like to host a workshop. All information about workshops will be needed by December 1. More information and application coming in future newsletters!
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Discerning the future:
Campus Ministry Consultant
Province V is conducting an assessment of current and potential campus ministries in the province, giving a 360-degree picture of the current state of campus ministry offerings as well as future needs. Campus ministry doesn't just mean chaplains based at colleges and universities. We're looking to hear from a larger population that includes those connected to professional schools (in such fields as law, theology, medicine, business, music, and art), teacher-training schools, community colleges, trade schools, and institutes of technology.
We especially want to hear from the following:
- clergy at congregations near a campus
- church leaders/members near a campus
- church members or clergy who work at an institution of higher learning
- any person who cares about those connected to educational institutions for post-high-school students
Ministry Architects will be conducting one-hour listening sessions and welcome your participation. Here is the schedule for Zoom listening sessions. You only need to sign up for one (1) session.
Date Day Time
August 27 Sunday 4 pm CT
August 30 Wednesday 5 pm CT
September 12 Tuesday 2 pm CT
September 14 Thursday 10 am CT
September 18 Monday 2 pm CT
September 21 Thursday 7 pm CT
September 24 Sunday 7 pm CT
September 27 Wednesday 10 am CT
October 3 Tuesday 7 pm CT
October 5 Thursday 9 am CT
October 9 Monday 9 am CT
October 12 Thursday 2 pm CT
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in receiving more information or would like to participate.
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Episcopal Church Revival
July 9-12, 2023
Baltimore, MD
Check out the details!
You are able to view parts of this event as a webinar! Bookmark this page!
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Creation Care Challenge!
Challenge #1: Plastic Free July!
Plastic Free July is an invitation to learn about the devastation single-use plastic, especially, is causing and what you can do to bring about change. Take the challenge. Tell your friends. Make a difference.
See the full newsletter
Challenge #2: Share this message with your parish!
A seasonal, ready-to-use suggestion for your parish social media, bulletin, blog, announcements, or newsletter.
Did you know that one of the most effective ways to advocate for a more sustainable future for God's creation is to talk about it? Most Americans (like others around the world) are at least somewhat concerned about our changing climate and its impacts on people and nature. But most also don't realize their friends and family care about it too. Showing folks Sustaining Earth, Our Island Home, the Episcopal Church's learning and climate advocacy platform, is one way to strike up that conversation and to encourage others to join you in caring for creation. Visit and share it with someone you know!
Need help signing up? Contact [insert your name here]
***If someone at your church is encouraging others to engage with Sustaining Earth, Our Island Home insert their contact info; if not you may use this contact info: Deb Baker, member of St. Paul's, Concord, NH at
Deb is willing to help anyone get started with Sustaining Earth, Our Island Home.
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Image: Season of Creation:
The Season of Creation is celebrated by Christians around the world as a time for renewing, repairing, and restoring our relationship to God, one another, and all of creation. The Episcopal Church joins this international effort for prayer and action for climate justice and an end to environmental racism and ecological destruction. The 2023 theme is “Let Justice and Peace Flow.” In celebrating the season, we are invited to consider anew our ecological, economic, and political ways of living.
The Season of Creation may be a great opportunity to hold a worship service or ministry event. Visit the Episcopal Church Season of Creation and St. Francis Day website for resources including the Season of Creation 2023 Celebration Guide, prayers, and templates for an outdoor prayer service, creation walk or pilgrimage, sustainability event, or creation care preaching series.
Read more
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Ministries for Families and Children: What's Next for Christian Formation 7/11 3pm EDT - info
- Long-Term Growth and Distribution: What’s Your Endowment Design? 7/18, 3 pm EDT - info
Endowments and Finance Committees - Fiduciary and Governance Best Practices 7/25, 3pm EDT - info
Churches and ERC - They do qualify - and other myths dispelled! 8/9, 3pm EDT - info
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St. Leonard's Ministries
Saint Leonard’s empowers formerly incarcerated men and women to lead whole and productive lives.
Learn more about the work of St. Leonard's in Chicago!
See their webpage.
Read / watch the news report from a local news station in Chicago
Congratulations on receiving a grant from the United Thank Offering!
$100,000 - St. Leonard’s Ministries & St. Andrew’s Church: Community Gathering Space, Chicago
This project will renovate Saint Andrew's Church, on St. Leonard’s Ministries campus, to create a new community space for returning citizens. It will host residents, alumni, community partners, and faith- leaders and together, share what it means to welcome returning citizens back into community with needed support, dignity, acceptance, and kindness.
See the press release about this grant.
If you know of other jail / ministry / transitional housing ministries in the province, please share them with Heather so that she can upload them on the webpage.
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Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church
If you are interested in doing more with Recovery Ministries in your life or in your church, there are some resources available.
The Diocese of Missouri has MANY resources on their webpage.
They also highlight church-wide resources, including a weekly virtual meeting, held on Wednesdays at 7 pm CT / 8 pm ET
While there's not an official network in the province, you can contact the good people of Missouri if you are in need of assistance in getting a local support group / network started.
Additional resources will be uploaded to the website on this page.
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Sabbath: A documentary
SABBATH: An Ancient Practice Meets the Modern World
A new 2-hour documentary film for Public Television. Visit Journey Films at
Journey Films is proud to announce its recently released 2-hour documentary film SABBATH. Told as a collection of short stories, SABBATH explores the history of one of the world's most important spiritual practices and its timeless relevance for a stressed-out, modern world.
From the Biblical accounts of Creation, to the 10 Commandments, to the Puritans landing in the New World, to the contemporary practice of a "tech-sabbath" - SABBATH ties together our collective history, our health practices, our response to God's invitation and the search for a more sustainable way of life.
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Networking Conversations
Province V's work in the world is to "Connect. Network. Support." Networks exist for people to gather around areas of interest and share resources with each other. Sometimes networks host webinars to share information and sometimes they develop new resources to support leaders in their local contexts.
ALL are welcome to attend these Zoom conversations. Please share the information with friends, colleagues, and in your parish newsletter. Most network meetings last about 60 minutes. See their webpages or email their contact for more information. For a full list of Networks and other Affiliated Organizations, visit the Province V website.
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Creation Care
Date of next meeting: July 10, 1 pm ET / 12 noon CT
Zoom link: (password: 5)
Contact: Jeanette Ettin, Eastern Michigan
Live from Baltimore
Please join us on Monday, July 10 as we Zoom from the It's All About Love Festival in Baltimore! Several of us will be at the event and will join this month’s Zoom meeting to report on what we are seeing and hearing about Creation Care at the festival. Since one-third of the event is devoted to creation care ministry, there should be lots of information and energy to share. Those from Prov IV and V who will be attending the event in-person, please reach out to us (email or so that we can arrange for all who can participate in the Zoom meeting. All attendees at the conference will also be invited to join us on the Zoom call as we share stories, needs, news, and ideas related to the ministry of creation care. Be sure to join us.
New Program from the Episcopal Church
“Love God, Love God’s World” is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry—from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience. Sign up to learn more.
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Intergenerational / All-Ages Worship
Date of next meeting: Jul 19, 3 pm ET / 2 pm CT
Zoom link: (password: 5)
Convener: Miranda Hassett, Milwaukee
We'll check in & share any recent triumphs or current questions. Then we'll talk a little about story and drama, and how they can be tools for all-ages liturgical engagement. (This is a big topic; we may just scratch the surface!)
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Migration Ministries
Date of next meeting: July 18, 8 pm ET / 7 pm C
Zoom: (password: 5)
Conveners: Silvia Huth, Michigan and Jack Lloyd, Chicago
The Episcopal Church has been actively concerned with the rights of refugees and migrants since the United States opened its borders to the first waves of immigrants from war-torn countries in the 1930s. We invite everyone in Province V who is interested in helping to address immigration, refugee and asylum issues to be part of our network of mutual support. We can accomplish more by working together!
Episcopal Asylum & Detention Ministry Network
Episcopal Migration Ministry hosts an Asylum and Detention Ministry Network that meets virtually on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The Ministry Network’s collaborative work and conversation focus on best practice-sharing in areas of direct service, organizing, advocacy actions, Christian formation and worship resources, and community education to protect asylum, promote humane and dignified alternatives to detention, and to support asylum seekers and those harmed by the immigration detention system. Learn more and register to attend meetings here.
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Affiliated Organizations
There are a number of organizations affiliated with the Episcopal Church and working across Province V. These groups have a "structure" that is more organized than a network. They have resources and information that are useful in your local ministry contexts.
For a full list of Affiliated Organizations, visit the Province V website.
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Church Periodical Club
All Province V Grants have been fully funded!
- $692.27 - Province V Anti-trafficking Taskforce Novi MI (Diocese of Michigan) Books for women at a home for healing from trafficking
- $1,724.24 - St Mark’s – Beaver Dam (Diocese of Milwaukee) Resources for faith formation for a growing congregation
- $686.90 - Church of the Transfiguration Palos Park IL (Diocese of Chicago) Books for prayer service and gatherings
- $286.10 - One in Christ – Prospect Heights IL (Diocese of Chicago) First Education for Ministry Korean program now in 4th year needs additional Korean resources
- $405.00 - St Martin’s Des Plaines IL (Diocese of Chicago) Provide money to establish a little free library for adult spirituality, theology, and justice
- $669.00 - ECW Diocese of Chicago Food Insecurity (Diocese of Chicago) Provide participants with a resource to continue education on The Hunger Paradox
In addition, two grants were giving through the Miles of Pennies Fund!
See details at the CPC website
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sign up for the ECW weekly blast here | |
United Thank Offering
Subscribe to the newsletter
click here
Training Day
UTO Training Day, Screening of Gratitude Revealed and Q&A with the Director
Join us on Saturday, Aug. 26 from 10a to 3p Eastern time. This year our training day has three presentations from the three committees of the Board: finance and archives, formation and outreach, and grants. There will be time to hear updates about UTO, talk, share ideas and get your questions answered. Register and find out more here.
This training day is different than ones held in the past. Earlier this year, UTO was invited to share a screening of a documentary on gratitude called Gratitude Revealed. You can learn more about the film here: The director of the film, Louie Schwartzberg, is famous for his TED talk on gratitude and work with Oprah Winfrey on her Super Soul Sunday series. Not only will we be watching the film together, but we will also get to have a question-and- answer session with Louie Schwartzberg about gratitude. This is an amazing opportunity that is not to be missed. The screening will begin at 3p Eastern time.
VBS Materials
Waves of Gratitude: Free Vacation Bible Camp (School) Materials Now Available
If you are in the market for free VBS/VBC materials – look no further! The program focuses on water, baptism, and is filled with crafts and activities. You can find the program here.
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Upcoming Events and Webinars
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Province V Executive Board
Do you have questions about Province V? Would you like to be more involved in planning the events that are offered at the provincial level? The Executive Board of the Province meets monthly on fourth Tuesdays at 3 pm ET / 2 pm CT via zoom.
Contact your diocesan representative to the Executive Board:
The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter, Fond du Lac and Eau Claire, President
Mr. Rick Stanitis, Northern Michigan, Vice President
Ms. Adrienne Dillon, Missouri, Secretary
Ms. Rebecca Elfring-Roberts, Chicago, Treasurer
Ms. Louisa McKellaston, Executive Council Representative
The Rev. M.E. Eccles, Executive Council Representative
Ms. Laura Jackson, Chicago
Dr. Elizabeth Jordan, Eastern Michigan
The Rev. Marlene Hogue, Eau Claire
Ms. Chris Eggert-Rosenthal, Fond du Lac
Ms. Lesley MacKellar, Indianapolis
Dr. Edie Wakevainen, Michigan
The Rev. Matthew Buterbaugh, Milwaukee
Ms. Betty Bowersox, Missouri
Mr. Christopher Hillak, Northern Indiana
Mr. Rick Stanitis, Northern Michigan
The Rev. Rachel Harrison, Ohio
Mr. Edward Lasseigne, Southern Ohio
Ms. Jan Goossens, Springfield
vacant, Western Michigan
Heather Barta, Province V Coordinator
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