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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Saint Dominic,

Happy Thanksgiving, and a blessed First Sunday of Advent!

As always, the goal with this short and sweet quarterly email is to keep everyone abreast of developments and needs at the provincial level. Please also read the invitation below to submit for December's Veritas, which will be sent out shortly before Christmas.

Note that all past issues of both newsletters are available at the provincial website.


— Mrs. Rebecca W. Martin, OP

[email protected]

As always, feel free to reach out to me any time with contributions, ideas, questions, comments, or corrections.

NB: The index of three-letter designations for each fraternity may be found here. Please note that this is a working document and subject to change.

Upcoming Events

Video Call with Brother John

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Save the date for a province-wide video call with Brother John Steilberg, our Provincial Promoter, on December 18 at 8:30 PM Eastern Time. Further details and a link will be sent out closer to the date.

Pilgrimage to Puerto Rico

February 16-20, 2023

Travel with Brother John Steilberg, OP, Father Jerry Stookey, OP, and Mrs. Gwendolyn Weinberg, OP, to experience the 500-year-old Dominican history of this Caribbean island, and welcome our Puerto Rican brothers and sisters into our province. Spouses and children welcome. A flyer with more information may be found at this link. Please print and share with your fraternity!

Dominican Family Conference

May 19–20, 2023

Details to follow as arrangements are made. Please save the date for a Dominican Family Conference at the Aquinas Institute in St. Louis, Missouri, May 19–20, 2023. The event may be available remotely.

Veritas — Invitation to Submit

The winter issue of Veritas will focus on personal and group study recommendations. Please send short book reviews, no more than 250 words, by December 8. Articles may now be submitted via the provincial website at this link. Thank you to those who have already submitted!

Help Needed

Promoter of Preaching, Vocations Director, and Archivist are all needed for the province. Please read and pray with the descriptions at this link, and be open to the possibility that the Holy Spirit might need you to answer the call. To apply, fill out this application and email to [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected].

Webmaster — The Webmaster will be a position on the Communications Committee reporting to the Editor, with the job of updating, maintaining, and improving the provincial website. The Webmaster will interface with the tech admin and other committees as needed. Wordpress or similar experience required. (Currently, there isn’t too much to do, but we need someone to run point.) If you are interested in this position, please email [email protected].


The Governance committee is currently developing protocols to be followed regarding matters of discipline both at the individual level (within a particular fraternity) and at the fraternity level. Generally speaking, disciplinary issues are usually a matter of inadequate formation, and thus it is the goal of any measures taken to be both charitable and formative. The planned protocol will outline how this is best accomplished, and will be distributed to the PC Delegates once it ready for their review.


The formation committee received feedback from the Provincial Council on the Formation section of the Particular Directory. We are currently working through incorporating this feedback into our draft, which we hope to submit to the Governance Committee by December. We are simultaneously developing goals and an outline for the Formation Director Handbook. We hope to have the first draft of the Formation Director Handbook completed by the 2023 Provincial Council.


Following the Provincial Council meeting in September, the communications team evaluated our needs for the upcoming year and assessed where our priorities should lie. We are continuing to focus on Veritas and this communications committee email, while also supporting Brother John and the ongoing effort to connect and communicate with the Puerto Rico fraternities. We are in need of a Webmaster and a Spanish-speaking Lay Dominican to assist with translation efforts.


Tom Weber (LNG) has found it necessary to resign as Provincial Treasurer. We thank him for his service to the province. 

The Provincial Executive Council met with those who had expressed interest or applied to serve on this committee or were already on the committee on Friday November 18, to appoint a new treasurer and to final committee members. We are pleased to announce that the committee members are Lyna Harritt (WHR), Jim Pomeroy (STL), and Kent Haley (EVN). Tim Martin (EVN) has graciously accepted appointment as the Treasurer and Committee Chair. 

With the holidays upon us and the new Treasurer in another state it will take to transfer accounts, process requests, and reassign the Treasurer email address. Until this is complete please send any request and emails to both the Treasurer and President email accounts. If any of your members have not yet paid their 2022 provincial dues, please send them directly to the President until further notice:

Mrs. Gwendolin Weinberger, OP

10471 Woodcliff Court

Hartland, MI 48353

Justice, Peace, and Care of Creation

How Albuquerque Meets the Needs of Asylum Seekers

Many asylum seekers travel through Albuquerque on their way to join sponsors and family elsewhere in the country, Faith based agencies and community organizations decided to come together to coordinate their efforts to reach out to address the asylum seekers’ needs and formed Albuquerque Asylum Seeker Welcome (AASW). A member of Nuestra Señora de las Montanas Lay Dominican Fraternity (ALB) is one of the founders of AASW. The organization has a number of teams to handle specific needs: health, hygiene, clothing, food and travel. Usually, Albuquerque receives one busload of asylum seekers a week, with notification from ICE the day before the bus will arrive. There are two large teams of volunteers, composed of all of the care groups. The teams switch off each week. The asylum seekers arrive in shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops year round, no other belongings. The health team, made up of volunteer doctors, nurses and other health professionals, is the first to greet the asylum seekers and tend to their health needs. Subsequently, the other teams arrange for showers, clothing, food, a room to sleep in, and travel arrangements. Each subteam is responsible for gathering goods and supplies, storing them, and then setting up the space to distribute the goods to the asylum seekers the day before they arrive. The process of caring for the asylum seekers and then helping them make arrangements to travel to their family and/or sponsors usually takes 1-4 days. The asylum seekers leave with a backpack containing clothes, personal care items, and some non-perishable food to last them until they reach their next destination. In the past four to five years, six members of the ALB fraternity have volunteered, time, money, and goods to this effort. Two of these members serve regularly.

Mrs. Marie Ryan, OP (ALB)

Veritas Editorial Team

Mrs. Rebecca Martin, OP — Editor

Mrs. Mary E. Giltner, OP — Managing Editor

Ms. Renee Valenzuela, OP

Ms. Mary Reinhardt, OP

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