Payroll Information & Dates:

The pay period starts on Wednesday and finishes two weeks later on Tuesday.

For example: this pay period start on Wednesday May 3rd, finishes on Tuesday May 16th and payday is Friday May 19th

Next paydays:

May 19th

June 2nd

June 16th

ADP Access:

If you want to have access to your paycheck information with ADP we need your correct email address and phone number so we can add it to the system. Please get in contact with Tiffany at 763-452-3505 or your supervisor to get more information about this.

VeriClock Information:

In order to get paid for your correct hours in each pay period, you need to clock in the last Tuesday of the pay period before 12am (midnight), otherwise Tuesdays hours will go on the next paycheck.

May Birthdays:

Paul Provost

Sara Brenda Gutierrez

Cesar Rodriguez

May Work Anniversaries:

Armando Becerra Ariza 4 years

Leticia Cazadero Mendez 1 year

Omar D Flores 8 years

Galia Gonzalez 8 years :)

Reminders From Your Supervisor, Hernan

Hello all and happy spring! As I visit you and inspect your buildings I am seeing things that some of you are forgetting to do:

-Check and empty outside trash cans daily

-Empty vacuum bags weekly

-Wear your Provost t-shirt is mandatory. If you need more let me know


Victor & Sara provide cleaning services in Lakeville and Shakopee. Each and every time their supervisor visits them at their buildings and does a quality inspection everything looks great. They both pay attention to details that help make this customer very happy with our work. We are fortunate to have Victor and Sara team cleaning for us. Congratulations!

Memorial Day is Monday May 29th. Many of our buildings are closed, but some are open. You will get a schedule from your supervisor shortly

Looking For More Hours?

Coon Rapids Spire- M/W/F (3xwk) 2hrs/night, start after 6:30PM

Coon Rapids TreStone- M-F (5x/wk) 2hrs/night, start after 6:00 PM (Start Fri May 26)
