Welcome to The Inner Space

Saturday, January 11

To Be Rescheduled due to Inclement Weather

It isn’t about making a vision board with one or two friends! It’s about joining a group of like minded individuals to set the intent and to agree on the outcome of goals for everyone in the group.

Join Dr. Etricia Mills, NGH, CI, CT.NFNLP trainer along with a group

of other metaphysicans & create the reality you desire.

All vision board materials, journal and hand outs included. Bring any pictures, magazine clippings etc. that you wish to include.

We will chant, sing, meditate and create on poster board.


Group size limited. Pre-registration strongly recommended.

$25 per person or 2/$40

Bring a friend!

11AM - 2 PM

Register Now!


To Be Rescheduled due to Inclement Weather

Hypnotherapy Certification & DD

with John Henderson



A new rewarding career could be on your horizon. In less than 6 months, you could be established as a professional hypnotherapist.

Ask about our couples or best friend special. Start the New Year off right and receive certification for both of you. Great for partners who wish to enter a hypnotherapy business together.

Do not wait. This is a limited time offer!

11 AM - 5 PM class dates are now forming.You determine the schedule.

2, 8 or 10 week programs.

Click on the Register Now button for Pricing.

Register Now!

Monday, January 13

Tarot for Manifestation

and Divination

with Cindy Sherwood

The Tarot is a marvelous tool, used by metaphysicians for decades, for telling the future and revealing secrets of the past and present, but it is also a powerful manifestation tool.

During this 4 weeks, Cindy will expand on the deeper meanings of the cards, while introducing layouts that will not only give insight into your life, but will give you tools to help you change those things that you wish to change.

We also incorporate candles, moon phases, meditations, affirmations and other practices

This is Powerful and not to be missed!

pre-registration strongly recommended.1.5 AMS Credits

7:30 - 9:30

4 Mondays $150 Bring Your Own Deck.

Register Now

Monday, January 13

Full Moon Cacao Ceremony & Sound Therapy Immersion


with Cindy Sherwood joins


with Tamara Sweeney

Treats attendees to an energetic sound healing bath using crystal bowls, vocals and other healing sound instruments for an evening of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Allow the energies of the Full Moon to embrace your spirit. Bring a pillow & blanket or mat or borrow one from us. $33.00 6:30 - 8:30 PM, 404-252-4540, 6558 Vernon Woods Dr. Sandy Springs, GA

$33 Pre-registration prior to Jan. 13 Required

Reserve Now!

Tuesday, January 14

Mediumship Circle

with Andrea Lynn

Whether you are in the early stages of your Mediumship Development or you are a more Advanced Lightworker, Development Circles are a wonderful opportunity to participate in practical exercises and are a great complement to other classes you may be taking or have taken in the past. Disciplined mediumship circles to help individual mediums achieve greater awareness and control over their abilities. The novice will learn under controlled circle conditions to “tune in” to the spirit frequency level. More advanced members of the group will anchor energy and initiate contact.

Each circle will begin with a brief introductory explanation of the evening's task, followed by a challenging exercise designed to hone your skills and expand your reach so that you may come to own a true understanding of your potential.

Pre-registration strongly recomended. $250. AMS 2 Credits.

Register Now!

Psychic Fair

Saturday, January 18

Sunday, January 19

Readings Still

Only $20 or 2$35



Call 404-252-4540

to Set

Your Appointments!

Call Early

Get First Pick

Learn What

the New Year

Will Bring!



with Sherry Henderson

The intermediate student is introduced to horary astrology, the branch of the science used for divining. Previous studies on house and planetary rulerships unlock answers to questions asked at a given moment in time. We will look at rulerships of locations, types of structures and terrains where a lost object may be found and whether a question is fit to be judged and if the astrologer is able to answer the question. Horary astrology is able to divine the outcome of relationships and events as well as find lost objects and missing people. It also gives indicators in illness or injury recovery.

All of this is found in the horary chart! 7:30 - 9:30 PM $225, 6 Weeks Pre-registration required. Pre-requisite = Astrology 101 level 4 or the equivalent studies. AMS 2 Credits

Register Now



with Molly Whitehorse

Pets are an integral part of our famiy for most of us. Whether it’s a dog, cat, bird or iguana, we hold a vested interest in their happiness and wellbeing. If you are experiencing problematic behavior, sickness, end of life concerns or just wish to have a better rapport with your fur baby, this is the class for you. Molly is your guide on a journey of enlightment and understanding of the univeresal language that bonds us all whether human or animal. You Wil Learn: ~ To listen to telepathic messages. ~ Watch for body and vocal language communications. ~ Give clear and distinct spoken and non spoken messages. ~ Create a bond of understanding with your pet or other animal. ~ Use eneregy and channeled healing modalities. 7:30 - 9:30 PM, 3 Thursdays Beginning January 23, $125 Bring a picture of your pet. Available on Zoom

Please Pre-register

Register Now!


Tea Leaf & Coffee Ground Reading Workshop

with Molly Whitehorse

Tasseography, or coffee cup reading, is a form of divination that uses the patterns, shapes, and symbols formed by tea leaves or coffee grounds to predict future events or reveal information about a person's character or situation. The patterns and shapes left behind in the coffee cup after drinking were believed to reveal important information about a person's future. communications. Join Molly for a fun filled day of learning and sharing. The early part of the class will be instructional, with Molly giving you the secrets of the gypsy fortune tellers. The afternoon will be putting into practice what you learned during the morning. 11:00 AM - 5 PM PM, 3 Bring a sack lunch and a spirit of adventure! $125 Please Pre-register

Register Now!

Astro Forecast January 13 - 19, 2025

The Full Moon is Monday. Hoot Owl Attic just got in an order for several cases of candles that should be in just in time for Full Moon Manifesting.

The Moon is trine Saturn in the early hours of Monday morning. The bed feels hard and lumpy. The temperature in the room is uncomfortable etc. The Sun is trine Uranus so sleep is probably restless. This afternoon, the Moon is sextile Uranus then opposite the full Moon. Energy levels are off the charts. This followed by a lunar conjuction with Mars late tonight causes frustrations. The Moon trine Neptune, just before midnight, could drive us to drink figuratively.

Tuesday the Moon enters Leo around 4 AM changing up the energy. A lunar opposition to Pluto brings up control issues and power struggles. Venus is square Jupiter today. Watch out for overspending. Tonight the Moon is quincunx Mercury. Communications suffer.

Wednesday the Moon sextile Jupiter in the wee hours could trigger a raid on the refrigerator, or it might be that a beneficial message comes through your email or text Before daylight, the good news could turn sour as the Moon is quincunx Venus and then Saturn. Finances are on shaky ground. The Sun is opposite Mars today. try to keep calm and collected. Just before midnight, the Moon is square Uranus. Unexpected events and strange occurrences are the norm.

Thursday the Moon is quincunx the Sun, then Neptune and by mid afternoon, when it enters Virgo, quincunx Pluto. Mercury is quincunx Jupiter today. This day is extremely difficult and unsettling. No matter what you plan, you may expect it to go south.

Friday the Sun is sextile Neptune. This brings an opportunity to sleep in or to get some sort of spiritual reprieve. The Moon is square Jupiter in the late morning. There are challenges related to overdoing, over spending, over eating, etc. The Moon is trine Mercury by mid afternoon then opposite Venus by late afternoon. The day improves as it grows later in the day. In the early evening, the Moon is opposite Saturn. You may find yourself dealing with elders, a boss or an authority figure. This could be positive.

Saturday the Moon is trine Uranus just before going void of course. Unexpected events or occurrences are likely. Be safe on the roadways and pay attention to avoid accidents. The Moon is opposite Neptune in the late afternoon. This a great time to get a psychic reading or escape into a movie. Venus conjoins Saturn today. Matters concerning structure or building something of beauty are favored. Dealings with elders and bosses is favored. Tonight the Moon is trine the Sun. It is a time of fulfillment and relaxation.

Sunday the Sun moves into Aquarius. All of today's aspects are easy and positive. The Moon is trine Pluto in the wee hours. Dreams are cathartic and possibly reveal a secret that helps you achieve your goals. Mercury is sextile Saturn and Venus. This is a good time for negotiations or making deals. People tend to be receptive. The Moon is trine Jupiter tonight. Watch out about overeating or over anything depending upon where the two fall in your chart. On a positive note, something good could come your way.

Dr. Sherry Henderson founded the Atlanian Mystery Schools, a holistic and metaphysical professional training program for astrologers, spiritual healers, ministers and counselors in 1995. Dr. Henderson teaches astrology, Kabbalah, psychic development, Tarot, world religion and spiritual business classes. She is a practicing Tarot reader & astrologer. Dr. Henderson is the director of The Inner Space metaphysical center in Atlanta, Georgia.

For information on classes or to schedule an appointment,

call 404-252-4540.

6558 Vernon Woods Drive, Sandy Springs (Atlanta) Georgia 30328