Welcome to The Inner Space

February 14

6th Sense

Karma Mate or Soul Mate

with Sherry Henderson

How can you tell if that person who makes your heart go pitter-patter is the ONE love that you have waited all your life to meet, or are all the hormones conspiring to force you to fulfill some karmic promise or debt?

There will be a brief presentation followed by open discussion and meditation to close.

$10, 7:30 - 9:00 PM

You don't have to be psychic to participate

Welcome Vania

Now On Staff at

The Inner Space


Tarot , Reiki Master, Pendulum, Crystals, Clairvoyant, Medium (since childhood) - Vania connects with her spirit guides to deliver profound insights and messages that come directly from Source.Bridging Ancient Egyptian energy with that of your higher self, she conveys message that help to put you on the right path for success in finances, love, health and happiness. She can communicate with your loved ones on the other side to bring messages of love, reassurance and help. English and Portuguese + some Spanish. Available Sundays and Wednesdays

& by appointment.

Call 404-252-4540 to Schedule Your Appointment.

Chance McGregor

On Staff at

The Inner Space

Tarot, Claircognizant, Intuitive, Empath

With 6 years of practice and study under her belt, Chance and her trusty Rider Waite cards have built a strong connection to the subtle energies in this world and beyond. She aims to give you the advice you need to handle your present and future with grace and confidence. With each reading Chance provides compassion, empathy, and the perspective of valuing the human experience. This creates a safe space to explore your concerns without judgement. Chance’s intuitive gifts paired with her seasoned cards will provide you with an impactful reading you won’t soon forget. 

AVAILABLE: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 6 - 10 PM Get a reading from Chance Today!

Call 404-252-4540 to schedule an appointment


in February

Group Past Life Regression

with Dr. Etricia Mills

Every Saturday in February (except Psychic Fair weekend) + in March

2:00 - 3:30

Feb 17 - Skipping for Psychic Fair

Feb 24 - Releasing Phobias

March 2 - Embracing Talents from Past Lives

$20 per session or 4 sessions $75

Happy Valentine's Day

February 14

Bring Your Sweetheart to the Psychic Fair this Weekend and Share the 2/$35 Price. Get One reading each.

$5 Savings

Click on the psychic see who's reading


FEBRUARY 17 8 18 Readings Still only $20 for 20 Minutes or 2 Readings for $35

CALL AHEAD 404-252-4540


Walk-ins are Welcome

Click Here to Book online


New Date to be Announced

Tarot 101

With Valerie Q

Learn to read the Tarot in one of the most simple and straightforward Tarot courses ever taught. Even if you have felt confused by the multiple meanings and difficult spreads found in many books, you will find this method to be simple and accurate. Students will be swapping readings by the second week.1 - 4 PM (4 weeks), $210

Preregistration Required

Workbook furnished - Tarot cards available for purchase at

Hoot Owl Attic.

Tuesday, February 20

Back by Popular Demand

Psychic Development 101


Claim & Maximize Your Gifts

with Andrea Bagby

Everyone is born with an innate psychic ability. Whether or not you have experienced this gift consciously, you have it none the less. Each student will review their own experiences so we have a base line for the class. 

We will cover the most recent scientific research about psychic practice sending and receiving messages, tuning into energy, remote viewing and seeing auras. Every class includes a meditation session and exchanging readings with other students. 

7:30 - 9:30 PM 6 Weeks $220 Includes Workbook 

Pre-registration required

SATURDAY, February 24

Mastering the Higher Self Ascension Meditation

With Valerie Que

and Cindy Sherwood

Making a connection with body, spirit and source is the goal of this class. This system brings the body into a type of mindfulness that will increase your awareness of the present moment. Rather than attempt to empty the mind, this system involves focusing your attention on an object with a direct element for your focus so your body is engaged immediately. This merging creates access to your higher self. 11 AM - 2 PM $88 + $33 materials Pre-registration required.

SATURDAY, February 24


With Brit - Your Intuit

Playing cards or Poker cards art the minor arcanas that we use in games of chance. They are also the keys to our mundane world and its events.These are the cards that are commonly used in divining the future. Join us for an afternoon of fun and learning how to read a simple deck of playing cards. 1:30 - 5 PM Afternoon Workshop $55 P

re-registration strongly recommended

Astro Forecast February 12 - 18

Monday morning the Moon is in Pisces and conjoins Neptune. Sleep is deep and dreams surreal in the early morning hours. By sun up, the Moon is sextile the Mars then enters Aries to sextile Pluto while most of us will still be on the morning commute. Even though it is an out of sign conjunction with ehe Moon still in Pisces and Mars in the last degree of Capricorn, it moves into Aries shortly after these aspects.Be careful on the roads as tempers flare out of control at the least provocation today.

Fat Tuesday is ushered in with Mars now joining Pluto in Aquarius. Yesterday's warnings still stand today. The Moon is sextile Mercury in the pre-dawn hours. You could receive a download of information in your sleep. By the morning commute, or over breakfast, expect the lead up to Valentine's Day. Romance or flirtation over coffee maybe?

Wednesday Mars is full on conjunct Pluto to the exact degree today. There are few mitigating influences to calm down this fiery duo. There are lunar squares to Venus in Capricorn, then as the Moon changes signs and enters Taurus, to Pluto and Mars from early morning until lunchtime. Fortunately tonight there is a lunar sextile to Saturn to cool the jets a bit. This may be a rocky Valentine's Day. Tempers, disappointments, demands and finally restraint and melancholy tonight doesn't promise much romance. I'm planning to stay home and pull the covers over my head!

Thursday improves somewhat as the Moon conjoins Jupiter in the early morning, then turns a bit sour with communication in the afternoon as whe moon is square Mercury. Tonight the Moon conjoins Uranus. Most of us will be ready to chuck it all and either escape the daily grind or dive head first into our technology devices.

Friday is another wild ride, but not so difficult as the Moon is sextile Neptune in the hours around dawn. It may be tempting to sleep in this morning. With the Moon square the Sun by mid morning, we may be feeling a git stressed over issues of comfort vs independence. By mid afternoon the moon, now in Gemini - sign of communication - is trine Venus then Pluto and finally Mars. It's time to find an easier path to comfortable transformation and to take action on it. The rub today is that Mercury is square Uranus. There is little patience for anything restrictive or structured.

Saturday Venus Conjoins Pluto. This is one hot sexy conjunction, but can be coupled with control or manipulation issues. Be careful of confusing hormones for love. The Moon is square Saturn just before daylight so there will be limitations or restraint in the morning hours.

Sunday the Sun enters Pisces and the Moon enters Cancer tonight. but earlier today the Moon, still in Gemini is trine Mercury and square Neptune. This a day to be careful about trusting what your hear and believing only about half of what you see. Watch out for snake oil salesmen.

Dr. Sherry Henderson founded the Atlanian Mystery Schools, a holistic and metaphysical professional training program for astrologers, spiritual healers, ministers and counselors in 1995. Dr. Henderson teaches astrology, Kabbalah, psychic development, Tarot, world religion and spiritual business classes. She is a practicing Tarot reader & astrologer. Dr. Henderson is the director of The Inner Space metaphysical center in Atlanta, Georgia.
For information on classes or to schedule an appointment,
call 404-252-4540.
6558 Vernon Woods Drive, Sandy Springs (Atlanta) Georgia 30328