Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What does the renewal packet look like?
Sample renewal packets are available to view and download on the Understanding the Renewal Process webpage.
What does ex parte mean?
Some members are automatically renewed based on the most recent information already on file for them from other data sources. This process is known as ex-parte. These members will not receive a renewal packet, but will receive a “notice of action” letter that lets them know they are still eligible for coverage. Some members renewed through ex parte may still have to respond to letters asking for additional information about their income after the renewal process.
What percentage of members are renewed through the ex parte (automatic renewal) process?
HCPF estimates approximately one third of all members (includes both MAGI and non-MAGI enrollees) could be automatically renewed and not have to complete the renewal process. When looking at “active” members-defined as those who have been determined eligible and continue to be eligible (not part of the continuous coverage)-in the last year, the automatic renewal number is expected to be higher. For example, the average active non-MAGI ex parte rate over the last six months was approximately 50%, compared to 32% for the entire population. For those members who need to take action on renewals, the non-MAGI population is more likely than other populations to return their renewal packets. Members who are renewed through ex parte may need to reply to additional letters asking for more information after the renewal process.
Why is a signature required for the renewal to be considered complete and how do I sign my renewal packet?
Due to a new federal requirement, members or an authorized representative must sign their renewal packet. There are several ways to do this:
Paper: Mail, fax, or bring the completed signature page and updated renewal form pages to the member’s local county office.
Online: Complete and sign the renewal through PEAK. If the renewal was submitted to an eligibility site without the signature page, the member could upload the signed signature form via PEAK.
Telephone: Record the member’s renewal attestation and have their telephonic signature recorded through the member’s local county office. This will include the rights and responsibilities being read to the member. If a member is unable to write, they may sign with the letter “X” if the signature is witnessed by someone who prints their name.
What provisions will end when the Public Health Emergency ends on May 11, 2023?
The end of the PHE will mean rolling back certain flexibilities that were in place for our programs. Some changes we have made permanent; for example, Colorado has made telehealth permanent so members can continue to access those services thanks to actions by the General Assembly in 2020 when they passed Reimbursement for Telehealth Services (SB 20-212).
Coming soon: HCPF will publish a special edition newsletter that will provide more information about the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency on May 11, 2023.
Additional Frequently Asked Questions have been added to include answers to question themes for prior webinars.