Public Health Order Update – Dec. 3
On December 2, 2020, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry provided updates to the current Public Health Order, including specific guidelines for structured youth sport programs.

The following are some of the important updates for BC Hockey members:
1.   There is to be an immediate transition to Phase 2 for indoor sport (LINK).
2. Adult team participation is halted, and this also affects junior hockey and U21 (Juvenile) players over 18.
3.   The physical distance to be maintained during activity is now three (3) metres (not 2m).
All Phase 3 activities (e.g. scrimmages, games, and contact activities) are paused while this order is in effect. In addition, it remains important to continue to minimize travel and stay within your community for Phase 2 programming. This means continuing to keep your hockey activities within your own Minor Hockey Association (MHA), member club or program.
Below are some key aspects of the current Phase 2 guidelines.
We are all in this together, and BC Hockey appreciates the ongoing efforts of all our members, volunteers, participants and parents in their commitment to delivering youth hockey programming safely within our communities. 
The hockey community in BC has adapted well to this challenging landscape and has specifically (earlier this season) been successful with Phase 2 delivery of programs and with adopting hockey specific resources for Phase 2 programming. Some are linked below. BC Hockey will continue to communicate updates to members as guidelines are updated and released.
6671 Oldfield Rd.
Saanichton, BC V8M 2A1