Dear Brothers and sisters,
St. Fabian continues to serve our parishioners and friends during these very trying times. This has been a very different Easter journey. The truth in all of this is that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, appeared to his disciples and raised them from their grief to great joy. His first words to the women at the tomb and to the Apostles were, “Peace be with you.” and “Do not be afraid.” As we approach Pentecost, we anticipate the hope of grace and power that the Holy Spirit brings to the hearts of those who seek Him.
I pray that you will continue to seek the Lord and participate in the life of the parish as best you can. We have received word from the Archdiocese with new directives. Please read on.
Public Masses to Resume as of May 19 -
in moderation!
- Archbishop Vigneron has announced that public Masses can resume, with certain safety guidelines, as soon as May 19! I have met with the parish pastoral staff and the Leadership Team to establish the guidelines for St. Fabian that will be in accordance with the Archbishop’s guidelines and the safety of all who attend.
- The dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass is granted to all the faithful through Sunday September 6th 2020.
Liturgical Schedule
A reminder of our regular schedule:
Weekday Public and Virtual Masses
- Beginning Tuesday, May 19 at 8:30am (regular time) we will celebrate our first public Mass and continue with daily Mass Monday – Friday at 8:30am.
Weekend Mass
- Beginning Saturday, May 23 will be our first public Mass is at 5pm.
- Sunday Masses will continue with 8am, 10am, 12pm and 5:30pm.
Confessions will continue at 9am on Saturday. As you enter the church follow the sign for confessions in the cry room and by the door exiting to the new gathering space.
Tuesday at 6:30, This is an opportunity to spend quiet time with the Lord. Come as a family or come with friends. Confessions will take place in the Cry Room. Please bring and wear your facemask.
Health Issues
If you are over 65 and struggling with a compromised health condition; if you are caring for a person who is sick; if you are experiencing a fever, cough, any respiratory issues or any other symptom
Please stay home!
This is a moral issue in that we don’t want to put another person in jeopardy.
Guidelines for St. Fabian Liturgies
At times the new media will publish stories of groups or individuals claiming they won’t wear protective equipment because they trust in God to protect them. It’s one thing to trust the Lord; it’s another to be foolish and ignore common sense. The Church calls us to use both faith and reason.
Proper Distancing and Personal Care
Although the church is open for prayer, we must still take precautions. This will cause limitations on the number of people who can attend a particular Mass and maintain proper distance. Our parish will be limited to about 200 people. Based on the Archbishop’s directives the following will assist all to safely pray together again.
- Please bring face-covering/masks which are to be worn by the faithful, including Adoration.
- Cleaning and sanitizing practices of the church will follow each liturgical event.
- Proper distancing must continue. There should be at least 6ft between persons. If a family live in the same house, they are welcome to sit together. Please be charitable to one another by moving to the middle of the pew and allow someone else to sit at the end. This will prevent direct contact. We all have one goal; to encounter the Lord in the Eucharist as brothers and sisters.
Sign of Peace
At the time of the sign of peace we will invite you to turn and bow to one another offering the words of peace. In many cultures this is a mark of respect. May it be a time of acknowledging the presence of Christ in one another.
Reception of Communion
While we are still working out the traffic flow for distributing communion here are some points to remember:
- When coming forward for communion please maintain proper distance.
- Lower your face mask and remove any plastic gloves.
- There will be hand sanitizer in the center of the aisle for use just prior to receiving communion.
- We will distribute communion in the hand only. This prevents germs from the mouth being passed to the minister of communion or to others.
- When receiving communion please place one hand over the other in a flat and stationary position. This will assist the minister of holy communion to place the Body of Christ in your hand without physical contact.
- Please bow to reverence the Eucharist BEFORE you approach the minister to receive communion.
Low-gluten Hosts
If you are in need of receiving low-gluten hosts please notify the priest prior to Mass.
Collection Basket
Baskets will be placed at the exits of the church rather than the usual practice of passing the basket among the pews. We still rely on the generosity of our parishioners and friends as we continue proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. To make a financial donation please consider
going on the website
and make a recurring online donation. Thank you!
Spiritual Resources
Archbishop Vigneron mentioned in his
10 Guideposts
that there is no time without grace. Brothers and sisters, this is our time of grace and an opportunity to look for the gift of God within our homes and how to use the technology for the Glory of God and the revelation of our risen Jesus.
Fr. Andrew and I continue to hold you up before the Lord Jesus in every Mass celebrated and every prayer lifted. May our Blessed Lady of Fatima, whose feast we celebrate today intercede for us that we may be filled with grace and peace.
May God be blessed.
Msgr. Hogan