Illustration of various housing types

Public hearing on rules and regulations July 21

A public hearing on the proposed rules and regulations for the Expanding Housing Affordability ordinance will be held on Thursday, July 21 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 4.I.5 of the Wellington Webb Building (201 W. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80202). Rules and regulations lay out the administrative processes and requirements to administer and implement an ordinance. Public comment on the draft rules and regulations can be provided at the hearing, be submitted through the comment form, or be provided directly on the rules and regulations document on the project webpage. Written comments must be received by Wednesday, July 20, 2022. The Executive Directors of Denver's Departments of Community Planning and Development and Housing Stability both need to approve the rules and regulations before they go into effect.

Further resources

Download the draft Rules and Regulations
View all policy resources in the Project Archive
Effective dates of the policy
Download the two-page summary

Why are we doing this work?

Denver needs more affordable housing across the income spectrum. Complementing existing affordable housing programs, the City and County of Denver passed a policy to ensure that as new homes are built in Denver, more affordable homes are built too – both to rent and to buy. As the cost of living in Denver has gone up, one in three households in our city struggles to afford housing costs today. These are our neighbors who are daycare providers and teachers, social workers, restaurant workers, and many other people who make our city the great place we all love. That’s where the Expanding Housing Affordability project comes in.

To learn about other complementary housing initiatives across the city, please visit

Visit the project webpage for the latest updates
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