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NOTE: 5:15pm afternoon Minyans will be ONLINE ONLY

until further notice

Shabbat Mishpatim

Rosh Chodesh

Pulpit Exchange with Rev. Bob Zanicky

Saturday, February 10, 10:00 a.m.

In our Sanctuary

Special Kiddush to follow in our vestry

This Shabbat we will be joined by Rev Zanicky and members of 1st Presbyterian Church to continue a tradition that goes back to Rabbi Barras and Rev Jule Ayers over 50 years ago.

Please also join us at 1st Pres on Sunday at 10 am

Reverend Dr. Bob Zanicky is among the staunchest and steadfast supporters of Israel in the entire Wyoming Valley. Even when his own Protestant denominational leadership limits support for Zionism, Rev. Bob proudly wears a pin with an American and Israeli flag on his lapel. He has visited Israel more times than most of our Jewish community has, and speaks from his pulpit regularly about the Holy Land and our need to support Israel. First Presbyterian Church includes Israel and the hostages from October 7th in its weekly prayers.

So please come to services THIS SHABBAT to welcome Rev Bob to our sanctuary in appreciation for all of his support through the years.

And what better way to start off Superbowl Sunday than joining the 1st Presbyterian congregation Sunday morning at 10:00 am as I speak in their beautiful sanctuary and we listen to Rev Bob, Rev Shawn, and Pastor Moses Andrade as they sing (in Hebrew) Jerusalem of Gold!

Call the office 570-824-8927 to reserve space

or click here to pay directly to Ohav Zedek

Click here for JCC Camp Application

Click here to DOWNLOAD Scholarship Application-


Or stop by the JCC to pick up an application

This week's Yahrzeits

(Light candle the evening before)

Friday, February 9, 2024---- 30 Shevat 5784

William Kline, Henry Lang, Helen Rosenberg, Erich Schwager

Arthur Herschenfeld, Esther Lang, Mindi Thalenfeld

William Smulowitz, Rachel Fiegelman

Saturday, February 10, 2024---- 1 Adar 5784

Jean Friedman, Lena Gibelman, Edward Klein, Max Salsburg

Resi Schwager, Benjamin Levin, Sidney Bergsmann

Hermoine Lieberman

Sunday, February 11, 2024----2 Adar 5784

Augusta Brand, Frank Fabian, Mary Zager, Ruth Senior

Marilyn Rosenberg, Toby Coleman, Robert Aben, Anne Glauber

Tillie Fogel, Selma Krotick

Monday, February 12, 2024---- 3 Adar 5784

Harry Cohen, Ralph Connor, Lillian Felder, Gertrude Goluboc

Harold Frank, Abe Cohen, Edith Iscovitz, Peretz Leitman

Seymour Schweiger

Tuesday, February 13, 2024---- 4 Adar 5784

Meyer Teitelbaum, Sarah Vilensky, Hana Leitman, Ida Levin

Louis Weiner, Esther Schneider

Wednesday, February 14, 2024---- 5 Adar 5784

Elizabeth Bergman, Fannie Rubel, Isadore Landau, Harry Robin, Rose Shelman, Louis Greenwald, Monroe Block, Jay Shaffer

Thursday, February 15, 2024----6 Adar 5784

Gerald Fierman, Beverly Fiegelman, Israel Goldberg, Joseph Rosenn Martin Stark

Friday, February 16, 2024---- 7 Adar 5784

Joel Cohen, Marion Frank, Sarah Morris, Blanch Popky, Lois Donley Arnold Hirshowitz, Zelda Laster, Eva Domowitz

~May their Memories Serve as a Blessing~

Tune in to Spotify's podcast of

Estelle Deutsch Abraham's

Jewish Community Radio

A program that has delighted audiences in the Washington DC area for decades.

Click here to check out the episodes!

Temple Israel Office & Mailing Address

613 SJ Strauss Lane, Kingston PA 18704

570-824-8927 [email protected]