Come see the Library like never before when we turn down the lights to see the jack-o-lanterns ablaze!

Children and adults of all ages are invited to purchase and carve a pumpkin for display at the library, which will be transformed into a spooktacular space!

All proceeds will benefit Family Services and the Children's Room at New Canaan Library with exciting prizes to be awarded by celebrity judges Eastie Eagle, Westy Whale and Southpaw for Best in Show Child/Teen/Adult, Funniest and Scariest Jack-o-Lanterns! 
Here's what you need to do to participate:

Pick up your pumpkin on Saturday, 10/22, 10-2pm at the Library.

Return your carved pumpkin on Friday, 10/28, 10-4pm to the library.

Bring friends and family to Pumpkin Fest: Saturday, 10/29, 6-8pm

Admission is free. Contest entrants do not need to be present to win.

Thank you to our Children's Services Development Committee:

Vicky Merwin
Mary Anderson
Lizzie Davis
Catherine Leach
Beth Torrenzano