Issue 67 | March, 2022

Thank you for joining us for the latest edition of the GSRNC eNewsletter!

We hope you enjoy it!
Rescue Happy Endings!
Cassie & Her Pups!
Cassie came into rescue with seven newborn puppies! The whole family family was whisked away from the shelter and placed in foster care to grow and socialize in safety.

Be a Foster Superhero!
Fosters play an integral role in rescue. Every dog spends time in a foster home before being adopted. The more fosters we have, the more dogs we can save. Would you consider joining our team of Foster Superheroes?

The See's Easter Store is Open!

The GSRNC See's Candy Easter store is now open! Get your Easter treats and help German Shepherds at the same time. See's will donate up to 50% for each order!

Bordeaux, Peanut Butter, Chocolate Butter and Scotchmallow, Eggs, Hoppy Surprise Boxes, Lollypops--all your Easter basket essentials! Plus, full size boxes, Gift Cards and lots more to satisfy your own cravings!

Express your love of German Shepherds by stocking up on chocolate! Shop here!

Store closes on 3/25/2022


See rescue through the eyes of a GSRNC volunteer! Kelsey & Vidhur have fostered 25+ dogs, providing them with the all-important socialization period on their way to a forever home.

Karen Oliver of Bring Rover Over in Martinez shares some dog training tips that can help build the bond with your dog.

This time we continue our work with "touch" by taking it the next level.

GSRNC volunteers love a happy ending! Hearing the doggy love connections is what it's all about. Today Bruce & Bettie S. tell us about Ausome Andy's adoption and new life.

We love to hear about happy GSRNC adoptions!
If you love your dog and want to share his or her story, please send it along to:
Support GSRNC Every Time You Shop for Your Pets!!

Make a donation with every purchase! Pet Food Express has launched a new way to donate to GSRNC directly.

Shop. Support. Share! This is how you can help:

Shop online at Pet Food Express by clicking here or on the picture of the cute puppy.

You will SUPPORT our work with 4% of every purchase coming back to us!

Plus, you get a 20% discount off your first online order when you use the coupon code WELCOME20 at checkout!

To help make this a success, please share this link with your friends or download a flyer here. The link can also be found on the GSRNC home page.

Do you have a GSD memory you'd like to share? Send your story to us at: and we may use it in the next newsletter!
German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization
Foster ~ Volunteer ~ Adopt 1-800-savegsd