Pure Energy Coach LLC

Coaching the future of America's home improvement industry with our grassroots approach to no-holds-barred audits, quality assurance inspections, home energy retrofits, and coaching, training and mentoring programs

In This Issue
On the Cover of Home Energy Magazine
Air Sealing Video
DOE Weatherization Assistance
Women's Energy Auditing Course
PA Energy Retrofitter Codes
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Thank you for reading our newsletter.  To your health and happiness this beautiful summer!

Our Own A. Tamasin Sterner on the Cover of Home Energy Magazine!


Home Energy Magazine  


Tamasin is performing the "tai chi" of blower door setup.  Seriously, there is a great article in the July/August issue of Home Energy Magazine written by Kathy Price-Robinson.  The article is about Pure Energy's Women's Energy Auditing Course held at The Pure Energy Center last October. 


And while reading the magazine, be sure to check out our ad on page 16!


Read the article (PDF)     (This is a huge file. Be patient when downloading.  Or, just buy the magazinewww.homeenergyorg)


See our Ad (PDF)

Does ASHRAE 62.2 Scare You?


If so, we have the course for you!  We've partnered with Therma-View www.thermaviewenergy.com to offer a two-day training on ASHRAE 62.2 and mechanical ventilation.  This two day course qualifies for 17.5 BPI CEU's! 


Our course includes:

  • How to measure exhaust fan flow
  • How to improve fan flow
  • Choosing ducting and duct configurations
  • Controls, Fan Types
  • Moisture measurement
  • And much more!

BPI is adopting ASHRAE 62.2 on January 1, 2013.  This means those recertifying next year or later must learn ASHRAE 62.2 for their recertification exams.


Pure Energy offers many courses and presentations that include CEU's.  See our course list on our website, www.PureEnergyCoach.com.


If your group wants a private training session, contact us.  If you get 6-10 people together, we'd be happy to hold a training session at your site, with our without COACH.




Like to Watch Videos?


Check out our 4 minute video on YouTube about the importance of air sealing buildings in the right places - and what can easily happen if some air leaks are missed. 


Also, see how unbalanced air flow and air pressures can cause a water heater to spill flue gasses.




Pure Energy Coach - Zonal Pressure Diagnostics (ZPD) House
Pure Energy Coach - Zonal Pressure Diagnostics (ZPD) House
Pure Energy and the National WAP Evaluation
Pure Energy's Philip Schilling was part of the folks who were hired by APPRISE Inc. to evaluate DOE's Weatherization Assistance Program by reviewing and observing Weatherization Contractors.
Women's Energy Auditing Course in 3 months
September is right around the corner!  Sign up now.



Women's Energy Course Flyer (PDF)

Pennsylvania Energy Retrofitters:  Check out our paper about what codes you ought to be following




Confused about BPI CEU's?  Worried about recertification?  Is training before recertification required?

We get many calls from BPI Certified individuals whose certification is about to expire.  They want to know if they must take more training; how to get CEU's; what benefits they get from CEU's; and how to renew their certification.

   You don't HAVE to have CEU's in order to be recertified.  However, if you have CEU's, you may save some time and money.  Here is how it works: 
Your BPI Certification is good for three years.  About 6 months prior to your certification expiration, you can begin the process of becoming recertified. 
If you have less than 10 CEU's, you must take the 100 question written (on-line) exam and the field exam and pass both.  If you have 10 to 29 CEU's, you only have to take the 50 question written exam and the field exam and pass both.  If you have 30 or more CEU's, all you have to do is take and pass the field exam.
So, the best you can do is save yourself from taking the written exam.

Regarding training:  There is no requirement for you to be re-trained in order to be recertified.  However, if you aren't ready for the exams, it would be a good idea to take a refresher course. 
Pure Energy offers Standards Review training, typically one day, where you can brush up on the BPI Standards and testing protocols.  If you need more than one day, Pure Energy offers two and five day training sessions as well.  We want you to be ready for your exams and will support you any way we can.


See our course schedule


Download schedule as PDF

If you have any questions about Pure Energy Coach or are interested in any of our courses, please call us at 717-293-8990 or email us at info@PureEnergyCoach.com.




A. Tamasin Sterner, Chief Coach
A. Tamasin Sterner

President and Chief Coach
Pure Energy Coach LLC