As you are aware the SkiBiker–X race at Purgatory has been canceled. When we received notice from ski area management that they could not build the racecourse, we felt it was best to get that information to all our members ASAP…so you could make individual decisions and potentially change your travel plans with a 30 days in advance notice. That being said, the American SkiBike Association board members have been in continuous contact with Purgatory Ski Resort management. We are happy to let all of you know that we will still be having a SkiBike Festival. What this exactly means we don’t know yet…as we are still working out the details with the ski resort! We will provide more information and details to all of you as soon as we know more!
Once again, the race is canceled due to snow conditions, but we will still have a SkiBike Festival and hope you can make it out.
Additionally, we hope to see all of you at Nordic Valley February 1st - 2nd for the SkiBiker-X and Jump Jam, Purgatory Ski Resort for the SkiBike Festival February 22nd - 23rd, and once confirmed…Arizona Snowbowl March 15th -16th for the 1st ever SkiBike race and Jump Jam.
We thank you for your patience as we navigate this unfortunate curve ball from Mother Nature!
Your “All Volunteer” ASA Board Members