Friday, May 27, 2022
East Students Featured In Northside News
Check out our East students who were recently featured in the June/July issue of the Northside News.
Fine Arts Week Thank You
We were so happy to have Fine Arts Week back in person this year! Thank you to everyone who made the celebration this week possible. Here is what some had to say about the week's events:

"I just want to congratulate all the faculty and students involved in creating and performing in Fine Arts Week. The talent we have in this school is unbelievable! Being in the auditorium, surrounded by the performers' artistry, joy, and beauty provided a welcome reprieve from the grief and sadness we have been experiencing this week. Thank you for putting this together and sharing your talents with us."  

"Thanks for bringing so much joy and so many smiles into a week where it was hard to find those things. And thanks for the livestreaming: seemed like performances were emanating from every classroom in the building. Our Arts Ed staff are the best. Long live FAW!!"

"Fine Arts Week reliably makes me proud to be part of the EHS community. So much talent, so many different students rocking it." 
East Teacher & Students Co-Write Book
Earlier in the school year, East High School AVID & Social Studies teacher Anisa Yudawanti received an Abolitionist Teaching Network grant to create a book with her US history classes. We are excited to announce it is finished and will be in the hands of students next week! The book is called "What Does it Mean to Tell the Truth?" and is full of the reflections and freedom dreams of our brilliant 9th graders. If you are looking to bring a little extra joy to your day, check it out (be sure to press full screen!). The book cover was illustrated by our very own East High School Student, Deja Yang.
MMSD Food & Nutrition Expanded Menu Sampling
On Thursday over lunch students sampled two new dishes MMSD Food & Nutrition is trying out as they work toward expanding school lunch menus in the future. The chana masala and curried potatoes received very positive reviews! The collaboration is with Flavor Temptations, a Madison business specializing in spice blends and sauces for authentic Indian flavors. Co-founders Sara Parthasarathy and Partha Sabniviss have evolved their business to result in success in local businesses and schools, including Minneapolis, MN and Sun Prairie.
NO SCHOOL - Monday, May 30, 2022
In Memoriam
As graduation, a time of great celebration, approaches our class of 2022 has so much to be proud of and to commemorate. Graduating during this pandemic has been extremely momentous. We also want to take time to honor Isai Morocho as a member of this year’s graduating class. The East community is honored that his family will join us for the graduation ceremony and we continue to offer our care and support to his family and friends.
Senior Brunch & Department Awards
On Friday, June 3rd, 2022 all Seniors are invited to the Theater from 8:30-9:30am for Senior Awards (including Honor Cords, 4.0 medals, and Service 'E' Pins), followed by a brunch in the cafeteria from 9:30-10:30am. Yearbooks will be distributed to Seniors who purchased them at this time as well.
Purgolder Boosters Update
The Purgolder Booster Club has been pretty quiet for a while, but we're finishing 2021/2022 on an up note so we need to make some noise.....

For anyone who's just not familiar with the Boosters, we have a long tradition of supporting East High Athletics, financially, emotionally, and logistically. We know that sports is awesome, and want to make a difference in the community through our athletes.  One announcement and one pretty urgent request:

We're super excited to be giving six scholarships of $1000 apiece to East High students as part of the Scholarship celebration on Thursday evening, June 2.  Will be good to do this event live and in person, I hope to see you there.  Right now I don't actually know who the recipients are, but we'll certainly recognize them publicly as soon as it's appropriate.

Urgent Request:
We are in need of a handful of volunteers to help us with one of our best fundraisers of the year.... concessions at the WIAA tennis tournaments! This is a really fun event, a tremendous opportunity to raise funds for East High Athletes, and we currently need about a half-dozen "shifts" to be filled running the table at Nielsen Tennis Stadium. Thursday, June 2 we could use a couple folks to be there from 11am-2pm and a couple more to be there from 4-7pm. Same exact thing on Friday June 3. If you'd be available to help support East High athletes at ANY of those times, I would really love to talk with you!

To get in touch with me/us, shoot me an email at [email protected] or text me directly at 608-345-1784. You can also follow us on facebook.

Roger Seip
East High Booster Club Chair 2021-2022
Booster email: [email protected]
Personal email: [email protected]
Personal phone (easiest way to reach me): 608-345-1784
Purgolder Woodworking Show & Sale
Purgolder Pottery Sale & Fundraiser