CI101: Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate | Denver, CO
July 24, 2023
CI 101 is a bedrock class for real estate practitioners at a time when risk mitigation, pricing, and cycle assurance have become critical to investors. CI 101 introduces the CCIM Cash Flow Model, a tool for ensuring your investment decisions are based on wise finance fundamentals.
CI102: Market Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate | Denver, CO
June 19, 2023
CI 102 shows you how to deploy “big data” and the most advanced digital tools to assess critical issues like market demand, location facility, and supply-chain strategy. CI 102 students have learned BAO mapping and data analytics to help their clients select store locations; others used Tapestry Segmentation to determine demand for apartment properties.
Commercial Real Estate Negotiations | Denver, CO
July 10, 2023
Learn and apply the CCIM Interest-based Negotiations Model to your most challenging transactions. Learn new, proven strategies to client acceptance that will get you out of the "high/low game" and other tactics that can derail a successful transaction.
CI103: User Decision Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate | Denver, CO
July 15, 2023
In CI 103, you'll learn such advanced skills as how to perform a comparative lease analysis between competing assets, analyze a sale-leaseback to help a client generate capital from their owned real estate, and advise a client on a lease vs. purchase decision to facilitate an expansion.
CI 104: Investment Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate | Denver, CO
August 21, 2023
CI 104 encompasses the entire life cycle of an investment, from refinancing to capital improvements to disposition. CI 104 uses advanced analyses to build on the core CCIM concepts. Sensitivity analysis allows you to pinpoint exactly how slight changes in market fundamentals affect investment goals.