Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Push-back on Social Credit
A July 30 opinion piece in the 钱江晚报, posted on, used a case in Shandong to push back on the idea of an all-encompassing social credit system. While there are many critics of the concept of such a system outside of China, little attention has been paid to discussions within China. This article is worth a read for how such a potentially sensitive topic can be approached within Chinese. 信用黑名单,不能啥都往里装
俗语 from Xi Jinping
zhàn wěn jiǎo gēn
Meaning: stand firm, gain a firm foothold
Original: 只要我们保持定力、站稳脚跟,在埋头苦干中增长实力,在改革创新中挖掘潜能,在积极进取中开拓新局,中国经济航船就一定能够乘风破浪、行稳致远。(not a direct quotation, but rather a Xinhua report on Xi's speech)
2018 Next-Gen Scholar Christopher Magoon recently published two fantastic pieces. The first, in Scientific American, is on the use of virtual reality in medical fields in China. The second, in the LA Review of Books, is about the Friends Ambulance Unit, a Quaker aid group active in China in the late 40s.
圆桌派 is a very interesting talk show in China that is worth keeping your eye on. This episode talks about investigative journalism and social relationships in China today. A fascinating discussion (with Chinese subtitles, so great for visual learners too!).
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