Of course, the only endorsement that matters is the endorsement of the voters of District 91. They set me on this path in 2019, and I know they'll do it again.
My outspoken views and advocacy have not always sat well, to say the least, with the male-dominated power structure in this state. I ran very publicly as a pro-choice candidate, and reproductive rights and maternal health continue to be the core of my advocacy as a legislator. I stand up for the people and groups mentioned above who constantly have to fight for their basic human rights. I sued the state when the poor were cut off from pandemic unemployment a month early - and a month before Hurricane Ida. I am not afraid to color outside of the lines. That is why I ran.
Thank you for your support. Please send some cash for the additional mail and media I now have to purchase for the deranged* attacks that started last week, and please also, if you can, give us a few hours of your time. It will be fun!
**For example: a photo of my house with the address showing was texted to thousands of people. This is why people hate politics.