New safety app FREE for VBR members!
An app to protect you, the homeowner and clients!
The Vail Board of Realtors is excited and proud to partner with Safe Showings to provide members with this safety tool.
  • You create a personalized list of contacts within the SafeShowings app.

  • Use the SafeShowings app to capture a secure image of the client’s face before the showing. The app deters criminal behavior by capturing a secure image of the client’s face.

  • You can mark yourself safe or send your contacts an alert if you are not heard from within an allotted amount of time.
It's easy to get started with Safe Showings!
Register today to use SafeShowings! Be sure to register through the link below to take advantage of the FREE membership.
In the video below, Safe Showings founder Helen Hudson demonstrates how simple it is to get started with the safety app.
Put your safety first!
All real estate professionals must put their safety first and use the SafeShowings app. The mission of SafeShowings is to deter criminal behavior against Real Estate Professionals, Home Owners, and Clients. Listen to Helen’s story below.