The PhysicalOne Connection

September 2023 Newsletter

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Putting You at the Center of Physical Therapy Care

In the world of healthcare, your journey to recovery should be as unique as you are, and at PhysicalOne, we understand the importance of making your well-being our top priority. Our approach to physical therapy care is deeply personal, ensuring that you receive the individualized attention and support you deserve on your path to better health.

At the heart of our client-centric model is our unwavering commitment to getting to know you as an individual. When you walk through our doors, we take the time to understand your specific medical history, lifestyle, and personal goals. This initial assessment forms the foundation of a tailored treatment plan that aligns perfectly with your unique needs and preferences. With our personalized approach, you'll not only recover faster but also feel more empowered to take an active role in your own care, instilling a sense of ownership over your health.

At PhysicalOne, it's not just about addressing symptoms; it's about providing the guidance and support necessary for you to reclaim your well-being. Our commitment to placing you at the center of our care reflects our genuine dedication to making a meaningful difference in your physical therapy experience. Ready to experience the difference for yourself? Contact us today to start your personalized journey to better health.

Call our office at (954) 741-2221 to make your appointment for your physical therapy needs with certified professionals!


We're thrilled to announce Enya as our Employee of the Month!

Her dedication as a Patient Care Coordinator is truly remarkable, always going above and beyond to ensure our patients receive the best care possible. Thank you, Enya, for your outstanding commitment to our

team and our mission! 


"I came in two weeks ago after not walking for 2 months because of a sprained ankle/foot. I am SO grateful for this place! It’s my first time going to physical therapy and the staff here has been phenomenal... I LOVE Allie, she knows just how to challenge me without overdoing it. Within a week I went from limping to walking regularly... I love their holistic approach…This place is truly a gem, and Allie’s hands are gold. Thank you all!"

- Nataly M.

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Disclaimer: PhysicalOne is providing this information as service to the community and for guidance purposes only. Some of it may not be suitable for everyone. Consult with your healthcare professional prior to attempting.