On resumes, make sure you’re tying the day-to-day responsibilities to the larger
objectives of your job. Even an administrative task has a larger purpose and it’s
important to highlight that. As a paralegal, for example, I was responsible for renaming the electronic files of court documents. It surely wasn’t glamorous but that’s not what I emphasized in my resume. Instead, I highlighted how I created a consistent and simple name-filing system that allowed attorneys to easily identify the desired document among a large set of files. The task was data entry, but the larger purpose was to create an efficient system so the attorneys I worked with could feasibly find their target document.
For interviews, the best advice I’ve ever received was to treat them like a conversation. Ultimately, your interviewer is trying to determine whether they’d like to sit down and have lunch with you. If you’ve made it to the interview stage, they already know you’re at least somewhat qualified. The test now is to see whether they would like working alongside you.