Trainings for Emerging Nonprofit LGBTQ &/or BIPOC Leaders
The Rosenberg Foundation and the Asian American Federation, in collaboration with Magpantay & Associates, a nonprofit consulting and legal services firm, are hosting a Series of Training Workshops for LGBTQ and people of color (BIPOC) emerging leaders of smaller nonprofit organizations with budgets under $1 Million.
“Towards Liberation” Strategic Vision Virtual Briefing
On March 7, 2024, the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice held a virtual briefing to present "Towards Liberation," their bold 10-Year Strategic Vision for the future at the organizational, global, and regional levels, followed by a Q&A.
Give OUT Day 2024
Horizons Foundation is hosting Give OUT Day in May 2024. Since 2013, Give OUT Day has helped hundreds of LGBTQ nonprofits raise millions of dollars.
Burnout in Women and Nonbinary Leaders of Color
Teresa C. Younger, CEO and President of the Ms. Foundation for Women, joins host Tetiana Anderson to discuss the impact of philanthropic underinvestment in women and nonbinary leaders of color, and the organizations they lead.
Southern Anti-Trans Laws Are Uprooting Families — And Leaving Them With Impossible Choices
Hannah Murphy Winter, author of Queer Power Couples: On Love and Possibility, analyzes how new laws in the South have put transgender children's health and futures in limbo.
Groundswell Leaders on Funding Challenges for the Intersectional Reproductive Justice Movement
Dawn Wolfe interviews Groundswell Fund leaders Yamani Yansá Hernandez and Naa Amissah-Hammond about the difficulties organizations are facing to fundraise for intersectional reproductive justice.
Opinion: What would Mark Robinson’s North Carolina look like for me?
Allison Scott, Director of Impact & Innovation at the Campaign for Southern Equality, an Out in the South grantee partner, writes about Mark Robinson's campaign for the governorship of North Carolina, and the disastrous impact it would on LGBTQ+ rights.
The Push for Payback: Robert Wood Johnson and 80 Other Foundations Make a Case for Reparations
Alex Daniels, Senior Reporter for the Chronicle of Philanthropy, profiles Funders for LGBTQ Issues' member Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in his report on the philanthropic movement to redefine reparations to advance policy changes in public health, education, criminal justice, and business development.