Arcus Foundation highlights how their partners are helping the most vulnerable in their communities with a range of services and online gatherings providing support and information.
In a new op-ed in
Teen Vogue
, Third Wave Fund co-executive director Ana Conner calls on big-money philanthropy to respond to the coronavirus’s economic impacts.
On the foundation's blog, Arcus’ International Social Justice Program Director Adrian Coman shared reflections about IDAHOBIT’s (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia) origins and how to create space for greater understanding and acceptance.
USA Today highlights LGBTQ health workers on the front lines as Supreme Court weighs job protections.
Vice News
reports on how LGBTQ nonprofit organizations are struggling to fundraise because of Coronavirus.
New study examines current vulnerabilities among LGBT people that could increase the risk of food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
MAP is publishing a
blog series that advances the conversation around vulnerable communities who may be particularly at risk to the effects of the virus and the economic downturn.
Global Philanthropy Project created a resource page with updates on the global philanthropic response to COVID-19 as well as a roundup of funder responses to the pandemic.
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation releases new data outlining the economic impact of COVID-19 on the LGBTQ community.
A new study examines characteristics that may increase vulnerability to COVID-19 for the 1.4 million adults in the U.S. who identify as transgender.
The fund has awarded $1,639,000 to 49 organizations this year, with over 99% of this funding awarded to LGBTQI People of color and gender non-conforming led organizations working for racial, economic, gender, migrant, and reproductive justice.
The awards, part of the TRANScend Community Impact Fund launched last fall by Gilead Sciences, will support 16 groups led by and for transgender people to continue their work in the face of the pandemic.
The Greater New Orleans Foundation awarded $322,000 in grants to help combat food insecurity worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, including support for the Transgender Law Center.
OutRight’s COVID-19 Global LGBTIQ Emergency Fund aims to support LGBTIQ people and organizations where other services fail to do so. They have issued the first round of 27 grants to LGBTIQ groups in 22 countries, and are in the process of assessing applications for a second round.
Pride Foundation awarded $546,550 to 127 LGBTQ+ and allied student leaders in the Pacific Northwest.
Prism Foundation
Deadline: July 12, 2020
The 49 Fund
Ongoing Application Deadline
ViiV Healthcare
Deadline: June 24, 2020